miercuri, 3 septembrie 2014

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Creepy Food That Will Freak You Out

Posted: 03 Sep 2014 07:21 PM PDT

This food is pretty disturbing. All of it has been transformed into something grotesque and disgusting. It doesn't matter how hungry you are, this food will ruin your appetite.

Snoop Dogg Is Now A White Guy Named Todd

Posted: 03 Sep 2014 02:50 PM PDT

Snoop Dogg isn't Snoop Dogg anymore, now he's white guy Todd. Snoop has transformed himself into Todd by painting his face white and wearing a blonde wig. He's released a recent video where he promotes a site called White Guys Connect and everyone is talking about it. Snoop has had a lot of transformations over the years but this has to be his funniest incarnation yet.

Eat The World's Most Expensive Food in One Day [Infographic]

Posted: 03 Sep 2014 02:44 PM PDT

From a $1,000 Lobster Frittata for breakfast to a $25,000 chocolate ice cream for dessert, The Goodale Miller Team covers the world's most expensive foods from the breakfast table to the dinner plate. Work up a hunger and break out the credit card, because this is one luxurious feast for the senses and wallet.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

"We're Stronger Because We're Democracies"

Here's what's going on at the White House today.

"We're Stronger Because We're Democracies"

At the Nordea Concert Hall in Tallinn, Estonia today, President Obama spoke to students, young professionals, and civic leaders about the enduring strength and promise of democracy.

In celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Baltics in NATO, the President noted that "freedom needs a foundation of security," and will now "always be guaranteed by the strongest military alliance the world has ever known." He made clear, however, that it's not a military alliance that makes our countries strong -- it is our commitment to democracy:

We're stronger because we're democracies. We're not afraid of free and fair elections, because true legitimacy can only come from one source -- and that is the people. We're not afraid of an independent judiciary, because no one is above the law. We're not afraid of a free press or vibrant debate or a strong civil society, because leaders must be held accountable. We're not afraid to let our young people go online to learn and discover and organize, because we know that countries are more successful when citizens are free to think for themselves.

See more of the President's remarks here:

Learn more about the President's remarks today.

  Top Stories

President Obama Gives a Statement on the Murder of Steven Sotloff

This morning, in a joint press conference with President Ilves of Estonia, President Obama gave a statement about the murder of journalist Steven Sotloff.


Made in America: 11.3 Million Jobs

A key part of what makes our economy so dominant is what we build here in America. In fact, a new report from the Department of Commerce shows that America’s goods and services exports directly supported more than 11.3 million American jobs in 2013, with goods exports alone supporting about 7.1 million of those jobs.


The Land and Water Conservation Fund and the Wilderness Act Turn 50

Fifty years ago today, President Lyndon Johnson signed two landmark bills -- the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act, and the Wilderness Act -- ushering in a new era of conservation.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

2:45 AM: The President meets and greets with Embassy personnel

3:20 AM: The President participates in an official arrival ceremony

3:40 AM: The President participates in the guest book signing and official photo with President Ilves of Estonia

3:45 AM: The President holds a bilateral meeting with President Ilves of Estonia

4:50 AM: The President holds a joint press conference with President Ilves of Estonia

6:10 AM: The President arrives to the Stenbock House

6:20 AM: The President holds a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Roivas of Estonia

7:20 AM: The President meets with President Ilves of Estonia, President Berzins of Latvia, and President Grybauskaite of Lithuania

8:20 AM: The President, President Ilves of Estonia, President Berzins of Latvia, and President Grybauskaite of Lithuania deliver statements

9:10 AM: The President delivers remarks

10:20 AM: The President and Prime Minister Roivas of Estonia receive a briefing on NATO Reassurance

10:25 AM: The President and Prime Minister Roivas of Estonia deliver remarks to U.S. & Estonian Service Members

10:55 AM: The President departs Tallinn, Estonia en route Fairford, United Kingdom

11:45 AM: The Vice President delivers remarks at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard

1:55 PM: The President arrives Fairford, United Kingdom


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Back to School: Lesson 1- What is SEO?

Back to School: Lesson 1- What is SEO?

Link to White.net

Back to School: Lesson 1- What is SEO?

Posted: 02 Sep 2014 09:29 AM PDT

This week, over 600,000 children in England are starting school for the first time – and in a strange sense, I feel like one of them. It was only a few weeks ago that I started in the role of Marketing Executive here at White and only just over a year ago that I decided to hand in my resignation as a school teacher and make a complete career change. Entering the big world of marketing, moreover, the world of digital marketing has been an eye-opening and insightful experience, but something tells me that what I’ve seen so far is only the tip of the iceberg.



I met Stuart, our company's founder and MD, at an annual round table debate evening held by my university at the time, Oxford Brookes. With several companies attending from a wealth of industries, I had been given the role of "greeter girl" at the door. Wanting to make the time worth my while, I took the opportunity to network with every company representative that walked past me, whilst also boldly asking if they were hiring. Stuart was one of the first to reply, 'actually, we might have something for you at White…' After two interviews, I landed the role of Marketing Executive at White's offices in Oxford. New to the industry, I did what any freshly-graduated student would do starting in a SEO company for the first time, I went on Amazon and bought SEO for Dummies. Book read, lunch packed and new handbag ready to go, I set off to explore the world of digital…  


Welcome to the Industry

After only the first few hours, I already loved the world of digital and what it entailed. I was given a thorough induction talk by the one-and-only Ian Hucklesby, White’s Commercial Director, to the world of SEO, which took up an entire wall and afternoon. Through a haze of confusion filled with crawlers and matrices, I knew that if I was ever going to survive in this world, White was the place to be. From studying White as part of my Master's degree in Marketing at university, it was obvious that the company was in an exciting stage. New staff, new branding, and new clients were all contributors to the progress White has made and now I was on this fast moving bandwagon. Having gone through so many development stages, White has so much potential and is strategically placing itself in a very competitive and powerful position. Having worked in other companies before, it is exciting to work agency-side and witness everything that goes on behind the scenes. The extent of analysis, knowledge and understanding required for this job was really demonstrated in a pitch in London for a high-end hotel, with one of our senior specialists. While only there to observe, I learned so much not only about PPC and SEO but also on how to pitch to potential clients. Needless to say we won the pitch, which once again proved to me that this is an agency that really knows its stuff.


Looking Forward

There's a saying that everything happens for a reason and my experiences to date have proven this. I think this company has an extremely talented team that works well together and is going from strength to strength. White is undeniably raising the bar of the digital marketing world and even though my experience here is limited, I can safely say with confidence….watch this space!

The post Back to School: Lesson 1- What is SEO? appeared first on White.net.