joi, 23 octombrie 2014

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

You Definitely Didn't Get These Jokes When You Were A Kid

Posted: 23 Oct 2014 04:21 PM PDT

Sometimes the writers throw some adult humor into movies and TV shows meant for kids so that you can rediscover them later. Now that we know what they're talking about, it's actually pretty funny.

In a Car Accident, Now What? [Infographic]

Posted: 23 Oct 2014 04:13 PM PDT

Car collisions do happen on the US highways and rural roads on a daily basis, so you should be definitely prepared with the basic information about how you need to act, in case you accidentally get involved in one.

Click on Image to Enlarge.


Everyone’s Talking About Renee Zellweger’s New Look

Posted: 23 Oct 2014 04:01 PM PDT

Renée Zellweger is the only thing the Internet wants to talk about at the moment. She hasn't been heard from in a little while and now she's getting ready to film a new movie. She looks a little bit different compared to how she used to look and people are going crazy over it.


Realistic Portrait Tattoos You Have To See To Believe

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 07:54 PM PDT

Valentina Ryabova is a Russian tattoo artist that's made quite the name for herself with her tattoo style. She's become very good at creating lifelike tattoos that look like real life portraits. You've got to take a look for yourself.

Via Instagram