miercuri, 18 martie 2015

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

How to Say Hello around the World

Posted: 18 Mar 2015 01:33 PM PDT

These 15 different cultures all have their own way of greeting one another and it is advisable to know the right way to say hello if you are ever travelling.

Rich People's 'First World Problems' Will Bring a Tears to Your Eyes

Posted: 18 Mar 2015 12:13 PM PDT

The Funniest Jokes From The Roast Of Justin Bieber

Posted: 18 Mar 2015 11:14 AM PDT

Comedy Central's Justin Bieber roast doesn't premiere until March 30 but a lot of the jokes have already hit the Internet. Some of them are pretty brutal as the roasters held nothing back when they ripped on Justin Bieber.

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