joi, 23 iulie 2015

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Strange Superstitions From Around The World [Infographic]

Posted: 23 Jul 2015 05:28 PM PDT

We've also done a little digging to uncover the stories behind some of the most common superstitions that seem to exist across cultures – so you'll know just why we knock on wood to avoid tempting fate or make a wish when we see a shooting star. Check out the infographic below to see the full list of strange and wonderful superstitions.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

via lottoland

Fun Pranks You Can Pull To Drive Other People Crazy

Posted: 23 Jul 2015 04:31 PM PDT

Need something to do? These pranks should keep you busy for a while.

Tinder Profiles That Waste No Time Getting To The Point

Posted: 23 Jul 2015 04:22 PM PDT

These Tinder users know exactly what they want and they're not going to let anything stand in their way.

Seth's Blog : You have no credibility (yet)

You have no credibility (yet)

You believe you have a great idea, a hit record, a press release worth running, a company worth funding. You know that the customer should use your limited-offer discount code, that the sponsor should run an ad, that the admissions office should let you in. You know that the fast-growing company should hire you, and you're ready to throw your (excellent) resume over the transom.

This is insufficient.

Your belief, even your proof, is insufficient for you to get the attention, the trust and the action you seek.

When everyone has access, no one does. The people you most want to reach are likely to be the very people that are the most difficult to reach.

Attention is not yours to take whenever you need it. And trust is not something you can insist on.

You can earn trust, just as you can earn attention. Not with everyone, but with the people that you need, the people who need you.

This is the essence of permission marketing.

When I began in the book industry thirty years ago, if you had a stamp, you had everything you needed to get a book proposal in front of an editor. You could send as many proposals as you liked, to as many editors as you liked. All you needed to do was mail them.

In my first year, after my first book came out, I was totally unsuccessful. Not one editor invested in one of the thirty books I was busy creating.

It wasn't that the books were lousy. It was me. I was lousy. I had no credibility. I didn't speak the right language, in the right way. Didn't have the credibility to be believed, and hadn't earned the attention of the people I was attempting to work with.

Email and other poking methods have made it easy to spew and spray and cold call large numbers of people, but the very ease of this behavior has also made it even less likely to work. The economics of attention scarcity are obvious, and you might not like it, but it's true.

The bad news is that you are not entitled to attention and trust. It is not allocated on the basis of some sort of clearly defined scale of worthiness. 

The good news is that you can earn it. You can invest in the community, you can patiently lead and contribute and demonstrate that the attention you are asking be spent on you is worthwhile. 

But, no matter how urgent your emergency is, you're unlikely to be able to merely take the attention you want.


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