marți, 15 septembrie 2015

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How to Use Keywords Throughout Your Marketing Strategy - Moz Blog

How to Use Keywords Throughout Your Marketing Strategy

Posted by kristihines

How do you use keywords? If you're only using them to optimize your website for search, then you're missing out on many ways to get visibility amongst your target audience. In this post, I'm going to share with you the best ways to use keywords across your entire online (and even offline) marketing strategy.

Webpage optimization

I don't want to spend a lot of time on this one, especially since you can read all about it in the Beginner's Guide to SEO. But just for a quick review, here are the places that you should use your target keyword phrase on each page of your website that you'd like to optimize for search.

  • In the SEO title tag of your page (or just the main title of the page if your CMS does not allow you to edit SEO fields). This is a requirement for the on-page optimization of a keyword.
  • In the meta description for your page. Even though it may not count for optimization purposes, it will get bolded when someone sees your webpage in search results for that keyword.
  • In at least one image's filename and ALT text.
  • In the first paragraph on the page.
  • In a few places throughout the content on the page in a natural way.

Now, let's look at more ways you can utilize your keywords beyond simple website optimization.

Content topic development

If you are developing content (blog posts, podcasts, videos, etc.) in order to get more visibility in search, then you'll want to create content that's based on keyword phrases that people are searching for. There are two ways to go about this.

First, you can create great pieces of content with only your readers in mind. Once you've created your content, you can go back, find the keyword phrases that fit best, and optimize that content accordingly using the webpage optimization steps I've listed above.

Second, you can research keywords for your industry, determine which ones would make for great content, and use those as a basis for your topic ideas. For example, let's say you wanted to create a website about dog training. If you search this on Google AdWords Keyword Planner, you can download 801 suggested keyword phrases, all with estimated search volume.

Take your downloaded spreadsheet and turn it into a content topic idea generator using the keywords that best fit your content goals.

Expand your spreadsheet to include additional notes about your topic idea, the content type you want to create (blog post, podcast, video, etc.), the best person to create the content, and much more. You can then use this spreadsheet to create content that you know your audience wants.

With this approach, you can use keywords to plan your content strategy, a side benefit of which will be creating content that has the potential to drive lots of organic search traffic to your website.


Do you want to create a strong brand for yourself or your business? If so, you need to think of the one keyword phrase that sums up your core offering and make sure it's what you use everywhere you go, online and offline. I don't mean in the anchor text kind of way, but in more of a "I am a freelance writer" or "Moz is a marketing analytics software" kind of way.

This will help you brand yourself or your business by what you want to be known for. When people ask who you are or what your business does, you'll have a consistent answer, eliminating any confusion. You don't want to be the subject of conversations where one person believes you're a web designer, while another thinks you're an SEO consultant. Regardless of what's true, both people will end up confused as to whether they're discussing the same person.

Once you have that one defining keyword phrase, you will definitely want to use it for the following:

Social media profile optimization

Want to increase the likelihood that people will find your social profiles and pages on social networks? Keywords are the answer. If you aren't optimizing your social profiles and pages for your target keyword phrase, you may be missing out on the customers who are searching for you within each social network.

While you can't optimize the "SEO title" field for your profiles and pages (those are reserved for your name or your business name), you can optimize other key elements within your profiles and pages with your target keywords and phrases. These include the following:

  • For Twitter profiles, make sure your keyword phrase is in your bio.
  • For Facebook pages, make sure your keyword phrase is in your page's "Category," "Short Description," and "Long Description," all of which can be edited on your page's "About" tab.
  • For Pinterest profiles, make sure your keyword phrase is in your profile's "About You" box.
  • For Instagram profiles, make sure your keyword phrase is in your bio.
  • For LinkedIn profiles, make sure your keyword phrase is in your professional headline, current job title, summary, skills, and other applicable sections throughout your profile.
  • For LinkedIn company pages, make sure your keyword phrase is in your company description, company specialties, and company industry (if possible).
  • For Google+ profiles, make sure your keyword phrase is in your tagline, introduction, occupation, and skills.
  • For Google+ pages, make sure your keyword phrase is in your introduction (story) and category (if possible).

As with any other webpage, you shouldn't overstuff your social profiles and pages with keywords. Doing so can cause visitors to assume you're a spammer and move on. But adding your main keywords and phrases in a natural way to the above areas should help you rank better in searches on each respective network.

If you're not sure how to best utilize your keyword phrase in your social media bios, look towards your competitors. Analyze each of their top social profiles to see what keyword phrase they use most. You can also use tools like Rival IQ to get a quick overview of their bios for faster analysis.

Social media update optimization

In addition to your profiles and pages, your social media updates themselves can be optimized with keywords. While most of the benefit will be seen on social search within each respective network, it never hurts to think about keyword optimization so your social updates can be found on Google search, like these tweets for current events:

The key to optimizing your social media updates with specific keywords and phrases is to use them early in your main status update. Take these posts indexed in Google search from the Moz Facebook page:

Notice where the phrase "link building" appears in the search results and in posts like this one:

And notice where "link building" is highlighted in posts that appear in search results on Facebook when you search for that phrase:

The point is, make sure each text element of your social media update includes your target keyword phrase naturally, and as early as possible in the update. This will give your updates the chance to be found in search results on both the respective social network and potentially even Google.

Guest post opportunity discovery

Guest posting for SEO purposes using low-quality content may be dead, but guest posting with high-quality content for the purpose of gaining more exposure with your target audience isn't. With this in mind, you don't want to use keywords for an over-optimized anchor text link in your author bio. Rather, you'll want to use keywords to find the best opportunities for guest posting.

I like to use premium tools like BuzzSumo and Impactana for this. Here's how it works. You take the keywords you want to write about, and you search for them using these tools. BuzzSumo will show which sites have the most socially-shared posts matching those keywords.

Impactana will go deeper and allow me to search for sites that have posts matching those keywords with lots of comments, views, backlinks, and other metrics.

Both of these tools will ultimately let me know which sites I can submit content to that will garner lots of attention from my target audience, either via social shares, views, or comments. They will separate the top guest posting opportunities from those that have little benefit beyond a low-quality backlink.

Directory listing discovery

Back in the early days of SEO, the goal with directory submissions was to get as many easy links as possible, preferably with some keyword-optimized anchor text. You should still use keywords with a directory link-building strategy, but not in the same way.

Instead, search for your target keywords and phrases on Google to see if a general, niche, or local directory appears on the first page of search results. For example, a local business in Phoenix that offers dog grooming as their primary service should get listed in the following categories on Yelp and Angie's List:

Wedding photographers, on the other hand, should be on The Knot and WeddingWire.

Based on your industry, location, and target keyword, you're likely to find several different types of directories. The ones on the first page (especially if the directory ranks above your website in search results) should be considered for your website listing. If you can pay to be on the first page of that directory category, go for it!

Email subject line optimization

If you are sending emails to your customers, then you need to experiment with the keyword optimization of your subject lines. Why? Because emails can be searched, too, and you'll want to make sure that your email appears at the top of the results when people are looking for something specific.

For example, let's say that someone has emailed a couple of different web designers for a project. They put the project on hold for a bit, then decide to pick it up again later on. What will they likely do? They'll search their inbox for the web design quotes they received. If your subject line includes those keywords, your email will make it into the search results.

The next time you're sending an email to a potential client, think about the keywords they would search to find that email down the road and make sure to incorporate them into your subject line.

UTM parameter tracking

Do you like knowing exactly how people come to your website? If you are already using UTM parameters to track your links, you can utilize the optional UTM_term (used mostly by AdWords advertisers) to track your keyword usage. For example, if I create a Facebook ad for my business, I could use the following to note that the ad was targeted toward a specific audience, such as content managers, and the ad used the phrase "freelance writer."

I could then create variations of my ad to content managers, but using different phrases, such as "blog content developer," "blogger for hire," and other similar terms. Eventually, I could use my Google Analytics to determine which keyword phrase attracted the most clicks from these specific target audiences. You could expand this to tracking your advertising campaigns across Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and other networks as well.

Offline marketing

Keyword usage shouldn't just be limited to your online marketing. Think about ways to implement them into your offline marketing as well. In particular, take a look at your own marketing collateral right now and answer these questions:

  • Does your business card have one or two keyword phrases that would tell someone who didn't know you exactly what you and your business have to offer, without them having to go to your website or contact you?
  • Do you have brochures or flyers that lead with a keyword phrase so that someone who's interested in a particular product or service that you have to offer can grab and go?
  • Does your vehicle sign or wrap have a quick list of products or services you have to offer, so people who see it in a parking lot will jot down your number or take a quick picture to contact you later?

If you have this kind of marketing collateral and you answered "no" to these questions, it might be time to consider a redesign. Keywords can be just as eye-catching and effective offline.

In conclusion

While these aren't the only uses for keywords, they should help you start thinking of more ways you can utilize your target phrases beyond standard webpage SEO. Are you using keywords in these or other ways? If so, please share in the comments!

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Seth's Blog : The patina of books and the magic thrill of a new idea

The patina of books and the magic thrill of a new idea

Show me your bookcase, the ideas that you've collected one by one over the years, the changes you've made in the way you see the world. Not your browser history, but the books you were willing to buy and hold and read and store and share.

Every bookshelf tells a story. You can't build one in a day or even a week... it's a lifetime of collected changes. On the shelf over there I see an Isaac Asimov collection I bought when I was 12, right next to a yet-to-be-published galley by a friend of mine. Each of them changed my life.

It's thrilling to juxtapose this look backwards with the feeling I get when a great new book arrives. It hasn't been read yet (at least not by me) and it it offers unlimited promise, new possibilities and perhaps the chance to share it with someone else after I'm done.

This week, Portfolio is publishing four new editions of books I wrote or helped publish. These are books that your friends and colleagues and competitors may have seen already, and they each offer a chance to leap, an open door to change that matters:

Anything You Want is a business book like no other. Derek Sivers built a business a different way, a human way. He did it with no investment and a series of apparently crazy principles. And they work. They worked for him and they might work for you. A brilliant book.

Read This Before Our Next Meeting was a massive success when it first came out, with more than 100,000 copies in print. It has changed the way people go to work at companies around the world.

Poke the Box is my most condensed manifesto. I wrote this book to share, and it has been shared, making it one of the most successful books Amazon ever published.

We Are All Weird is the fourth of the series, the fastest, shortest, most powerful marketing book you'll read this week. Except it's not a marketing book. It's a book about changing the world, or at least part of it. (Look for a quick Twitter contest on this book in the next few days).

These books are now available in fine bookstores. You can also find them online. I hope you'll buy a few, share them and put one or two on your bookshelf.

You can see the four new covers and get a discounted bundle right here.

What does your bookshelf say about you?


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luni, 14 septembrie 2015

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Wave of New EU Border Controls: Austria, Slovakia, Netherlands; Austria Dispatches Army to Border; Hungary Blames Greece

Posted: 14 Sep 2015 05:59 PM PDT

Border Controls in Austria, Slovakia, Netherlands

After twice upping the number of refugees it would accept, the German pot is overflowing.

12,000 arrived in Munich on Saturday alone. Germany was forced to institute border controls. It can no longer handle its safe-haven status.

In response to German controls, More EU Members Impose Emergency Border Controls.
A wave of EU member states imposed emergency border controls on Monday as fallout from the refugee crisis put the bloc's free movement area under increasing strain.

Austria and Slovakia imposed tighter border checks on migrants, while The Netherlands also announced that police would carry out spot border checks.

The moves were a response to Germany's clampdown on its own borders, which involved temporarily disrupting both rail and road routes from Austria and caused reverberations throughout Europe.

Germany's reintroduction of border controls have stoked fears in Vienna that Austria will be overwhelmed by thousands of refugees trying to reach Germany.

Officials in Austria on Monday said the country's decision to increase checks on refugees travelling from Hungary — including dispatching the army to the border — remained in line with Schengen rules on free movement across EU borders.
Migrant Sharing Plan Hits Rocks of Reality

Also consider EU Discord Over Migrant Sharing Plan.
EU efforts to agree a binding plan to share out 120,000 refugees fell apart after a minority of countries led by Czech Republic and Hungary objected to a heavily watered down proposal.

After six hours of argument, member states failed to reach unanimous agreement on the plan, although a majority — including France and Germany — supported the scheme.

Countries in favour of the plan will now try to force through a deal with a qualified majority at another meeting in October, setting the stage for a bitter diplomatic fight in the intervening period.

Although qualified majority votes are acceptable under EU law, they are rarely used to force through decisions on politically sensitive topics against vocal opposition.

Hungary was supposed to be one of the beneficiaries of the scheme but has opposed it, arguing that it is not a front-line country and that it has only suffered a huge influx of migrants because Greece has failed to manage its borders.

The Czech Republic also refused to sign up to the proposals, saying that it would oppose efforts to introduce an automatic relocation scheme. Romania and Slovakia were also against the scheme.

Britain, which has an opt-out, outlined its opposition to the plan originally put forward by the commission's president Jean-Claude Juncker.

Plans to allow countries to duck out of the scheme in exchange for a fee were discussed for less than one minute, according to one diplomat.
Major Warning to Cameron

The UK has an "opt-out" on immigration but does it have one on the Financial Transaction Tax proposal? Even if the UK does have that opt-out, the next Prime Minister may give it away. And Labour supports the transaction tax.

There are numerous items that are not in the UK's best interest that it will have to accept sooner or later if it stays in the EU.

When this reality hits prime minister David Cameron is anyone's guess, but my best guess is never.

The best hope for the UK is for British voters to wake up to the reality that EU nannycrats will never give up on horrendous ideas, and therefore the UK is better off alone, just as Switzerland is.

Yes to Europe

Switzerland is not a member of the EU. The last "Yes to Europe " vote was in 2001. Swiss voters rejected joining the EU by 76.8%.

All the horrors attributed to the UK leaving the EU are clear falsehoods.

Quotas: Answer or Problem?

Curiously, although Switzerland is not a member of the EU, in a referendum on 5 June 2005, Swiss voters agreed, by a 55% majority, to join the Schengen Area.

Switzerland has since had second thoughts. Wikipedia explains:

"In February 2014, the Swiss voted in a referendum to introduce quotas for all migrants in Switzerland. Such a quota system would, if implemented, violate the agreement between Switzerland and the European Union on the free movement of persons, and require the renegotiation of the various bilateral agreements between Switzerland and the European Union if they are to remain in force."

Germany now wants a quota system. Apparently, a quota system is now what's best for the EU, even though a quota system is not compatible with the Schengen Treaty!

Schengen is Dead

The Schengen Treaty is indeed dead. The treaty was ill-formed in the first place. It should not apply to places outside central Europe, nor should benefits vary so widely between member states.

In addition, entry concerns are a huge issue. The peripheral countries bear the front line costs as under the treaty, the initial country of entry needs to certify and register the migrants.

Some realistic measures as to who is a genuine political refugee vs. an economic refugee are in serious need of implementation.

The obvious problem with solely depending on a determination as to who is or is not an economic refugee is that such a determination can take years, and great expense, to prove.

Finally, if someone is really an economic refugee, do you take them for a year, then send them back to Syria or wherever, or is it better to close the borders in the first place?

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Illinois Halts Payments to Dentists, Threatens to Stop All Health Insurance Payments

Posted: 14 Sep 2015 11:27 AM PDT

Illinois Threatens to Halt All Health Insurance Payments

Unpaid bills in Illinois now stand at $8.5 billion. Some project the total will reach an all-time high of $10.5 billion by December. Total accumulated liabilities counting pensions are on the order of $163 billion.

Illinois is flat out broke, and without a budget cannot legally pay some bills. In what I see as a sideshow, Illinois has not been paying lotto winners.

Far more serious issues are on the horizon. For example, the State Journal-Register reports Gov. Rauner threatens to halt health insurance payments to providers for state workers.
As Illinois approaches its 11th week without a state budget, Gov. Bruce Rauner has threatened to take the unprecedented step of stopping all payments to doctors, hospitals and others providing health care to the almost 363,000 state workers, university employees, retirees and others covered by the state's group insurance plan.

"All health care services will continue to be paid as long as possible," said Meredith Krantz, spokeswoman for the Illinois Department of Central Management Services.

"However, in the near future, we will no longer have the legal authority to continue to pay health care vendors for their services," she wrote in an email Friday to The State Journal-Register.

"All applicable fiscal 2015 funding has now been exhausted," she said. "Without a budget in place, there is no appropriation or legal authority to continue to pay health care providers."

Dental Payments Halted

In addition to the administration's threatened shutoff of reimbursements to health care providers and health insurance companies, the state recently halted all payments to dentists for services to the 359,325 state workers, university employees, retirees and dependents with dental coverage.

The CMS notice says a few health care providers in the state's self-insured plans — which include Delta Dental, Cigna, and the HealthLink and Coventry open access plans — have asked people insured through the state plan to pay cash at the time of service to cover the total cost.
Legislature Gets Paid

No matter whether the legislators do their job or not, they get paid. Their pay is guaranteed via a bill the legislature passed last year.

And in spite of the fact the legislature would not present a balanced budget for Rauner to sign, the legislature did pass a pay hike for themselves, in yet Another Insult to Taxpayers.
Legislators had a chance to rescind the pay raise, but a bill to do that was buried by, you guessed it, Madigan.

Gov. Bruce Rauner has been using the pay raise to tweak legislators, especially Madigan. Last week, he said accepting the pay raise without solving the state's budget issues was "unfair to taxpayers and the people they represent. It is time to stop protecting the political class at the expense of the middle class."

Madigan's response to Rauner's taunt was, "I'm not going to spend a lot of time on that question.'' Madigan has said the pay issue is a "diversion,'' but in the Madigan dictionary, any issue that threatens the comfort of legislators or trial lawyers is a diversion.
Overpaid, Underworked

"Illinois legislators are already among the highest paid in the United States, earning $68,000 to $95,000 per year for part-time service, plus per diem payments and mileage reimbursement," said Rauner in an amendatory veto of the bill to hike lawmaker pay.

School Children Removed as Bargaining Chip

Budget for primary and secondary schools was not originally protected. However, in June, governor Rauner cleverly got the legislature to go along with school funding, effectively removing children as a bargaining chip.

Without that agreement, schools would now be closed, and pressure from parents for Rauner "to do something" would be intense.

Given House Speaker Mike Madigan will not deal with the governor on badly needed reforms, Rauner may have been forced to pass a tax hike.

Genuine Chance for Reform

Politically speaking, Madigan made a huge mistake. And Illinois stands to benefit if Rauner plays his cards correctly. 

With no pressure from parents about schools, Rauner now has the chance to hold out for reforms. Pressure will instead fall on the legislature, as they will have to pay healthcare expenditures out of their own pocket.

Rauner has stated he would not sign off on a tax increase for FY2016 unless lawmakers approved changes to the workers' compensation laws and freeze property taxes.

Rauner should hold out for far more. Here is my list of ideas.

Reform Ideas

  1. Pass right to work legislation
  2. End prevailing wages
  3. Freeze property taxes
  4. Rewrite worker's compensation legislation
  5. End collective bargaining of public unions
  6. End defined benefit pension plans for new employees

It is unlikely that Madigan would agree to all of those, but Ruaner should be able to get more than two. And the longer Rauner holds out, the more he can get. Pressure is now on the legislature, not the governor.

Apocalypse Illinois

For further details on Illinois' enormous fiscal mess, please see Apocalypse Illinois: IOUs Projected to Hit $10.5 Billion, $163 Billion Total Accumulated Liabilities.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Germany Pushes for Financial Transaction Tax; Will Cameron Face Reality?

Posted: 14 Sep 2015 10:11 AM PDT

In a move certain to upset UK prime minister David Cameron as well as increase the odds of the UK kissing the EU goodbye, Berlin to Push for Financial Transactions Tax to Cover All of EU.
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble will push for a planned European tax on stock and bond trading to apply in all EU countries in spite of firm UK opposition to the scheme and warnings from banks it would hurt their business.

While only 11 nations — including Germany and France — are planning to participate in the financial transactions tax, Mr Schäuble said on Saturday that this should be seen only as a first stage, and that efforts should then be made to convince other nations to join.

"We made important if not decisive progress," said Pierre Moscovici, the EU's economics commissioner, who is a staunch supporter of the initiative. "This deal is possible, and more than possible, if we go on working with ambition."

The upbeat mood marked a shift from even a few months ago when the initiative seemed to be virtually dead.

Mr Schäuble told reporters after the meeting that having a tax across only 11 of the EU's 28 countries sat awkwardly with plans under development in Brussels to better integrate capital markets across the entire bloc.
Will Cameron Face Reality?

Cameron keeps stating he can get EU treaty changes in regards to immigration, agricultural subsidies, and the financial transaction tax.

If he believes what he says, he is out of his freaking mind. No one can control the beast the EU has become. That's the reality.

Perhaps this will change his mind, but most likely not. Stubborn arrogant politicians and common sense seldom mix.

Bring It On

As for the tax itself, it would likely reduce liquidity at a very inopportune time, given hugely overvalued market with high frequency trading accounting for most of the transaction volume.

But hey, bring it on, the higher the tax the better. The market needs a good crash to have decent values. And the UK certainly does not need the EU.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock