joi, 24 septembrie 2015

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Veritas Consult... followed Gilroy Interior...
Gilroy Interi...
999+ Pins • 58 boards
Vintage Design pinned 5 Pins
Fairy floss cocktail.
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Recipe for Garlic Lemon Double Stuffed Chicken - Not your everyday ...
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Vintage Design pinned 4 Pins
From Georgia Heald in Dodges Ferry, Australia.
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mixed media book
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Vintage Design pinned 5 Pins
Sunday morning, Paul L. Anderson, 1939
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Vintage Design likes 1 Pin
These doors!
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Seth's Blog : Industrializing, professionalizing, scaling...

Industrializing, professionalizing, scaling...

You could make it into a cookie cutter, a scalable, depersonalized, committee-approved ticket to endless growth.

Or you could make it more real, more human and more personal.

What is "it"?

It is the interaction you have with your best customer. It is the way you talk to your employees. It is your safety policy, your go to market strategy, your approach to the board meeting.

If you can't figure out how to talk to one person, it doesn't really pay to scale up your efforts to talk to a thousand.


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