duminică, 11 septembrie 2016

Seth's Blog : Erosion


The Grand Canyon wasn't created by an earthquake.

While it's tempting to imagine that the world changes via sudden shocks, that our culture is shifted by dramatic changes in leadership, that grand gestures make all the difference...

It turns out that our daily practice, the piling up of regular actions, the cultural practices and biases that we each choose—that's what makes change happen.

False promises and urgent reactions are a trap and a sideshow.


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sâmbătă, 10 septembrie 2016

Seth's Blog : A tunnel is a cave with a light at the end

A tunnel is a cave with a light at the end

Just because it's dark it doesn't mean we're underground.

It often means that no one has bothered to turn on any lights.


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vineri, 9 septembrie 2016

Seth's Blog : Make something great

Make something great

Not because it will sell.

Not because it's on the test.

Not because it's your job.

Merely because you can.

The alternative (waiting for the world to align in a way that permits you to make something great) is hardly worth pursuing, right?


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