sâmbătă, 17 ianuarie 2015

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Quote of the Day: "Currencies Don’t Move Much. Without Leverage, No One Would Trade"

Posted: 17 Jan 2015 04:57 PM PST

While researching material for an article on winners and loses in the record Swiss franc move, I came across this quote as reported by Bloomberg.

"Currencies don't move that much. So if you had no leverage, nobody would trade."

Who said that?

Drew Niv, FXCM's chief executive officer. The story progresses ...

FXCM Risk Controls

Bloomberg reports FXCM had 230,579 retail customers on Dec. 31. They traded $439 billion of currency in December, with an average of 595,126 trades a day.

The company warned investors in a regulatory filing last March that its risk controls were imperfect.

"Some of our methods for managing risk are discretionary by nature and are based on internally developed controls and observed historical market behavior," the company said in the regulatory filing. "These methods may not adequately prevent losses, particularly as they relate to extreme market movements."

And what happened?

FXCM Gets Rescue

The Wall Street Journal reports Surge of Swiss Franc Triggers Hundreds of Millions in Losses with brokerage firm FXCM getting a rescue.
Brokers around the world are crumbling in the wake of the Swiss National Bank's shock decision to remove the cap on its currency.

Banks, brokers and individual investors were left with hundreds of millions of dollars in losses a day after an unexpected surge in the Swiss franc sent shock waves through markets.

FXCM Inc., a major U.S. retail foreign-exchange broker, emerged as the biggest victim so far and had to be rescued by an emergency $300 million lifeline from investment firm Leucadia National Corp.

Shares of FXCM, one of the largest retail currency brokers in the world, were suspended on the New York Stock Exchange on Friday after the company said client losses on Swiss franc trades threatened to put it in violation of regulatory capital rules.

Citigroup Inc. and Deutsche Bank AG will each lose about $150 million on the franc's appreciation, said people familiar with the firms. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. said Friday that the franc's move will be immaterial to its earnings. Losses at Barclays PLC will be in the tens of millions of dollars, people familiar with the bank said.

FXCM was among several firms that fought CFTC efforts to limit leverage at 10 to 1, saying in a March 2010 letter the proposal would have a "devastating impact on the retail [foreign-exchange] industry" and "drive it largely overseas." The letter was signed by FXCM Chief Executive Drew Niv and eight other brokerage CEOs. The limit eventually was set at 50 to 1, meaning an investor could borrow $50 for every dollar put in.
Thank Central Banks

The funniest story to date is without a doubt FXCM, but also consider It Only Takes One: Hedge Fund Manager Who Survived Five Debt Crises Wiped Out Overnight on Swiss Franc.

And this is what it has come to: Central banks have so suppressed volatility, that hedge funds need to leverage to get suitable returns to justify their 20% fee on profits.

And so they do. And this is the result. Hmmm. I sense another moral to the story here.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

It Only Takes One: Hedge Fund Manager Who Survived Five Debt Crises Wiped Out Overnight on Swiss Franc

Posted: 17 Jan 2015 12:23 PM PST

Someone asked me for a list of winners and losers and what the unexpected move by the Swiss National Bank meant in the long term for Switzerland. I will address that later today.

First, consider one of the big losers who was wiped out overnight.

Bloomberg reports Swiss Franc Trade Is Said to Wipe Out Everest's Main Fund.
Marko Dimitrijevic, the hedge fund manager who survived at least five emerging market debt crises, is closing his largest hedge fund after losing virtually all its money this week when the Swiss National Bank unexpectedly let the franc trade freely against the euro, according to a person familiar with the firm.

Everest Capital's Global Fund had about $830 million in assets as of the end of December, according to a client report. The Miami-based firm, which specializes in emerging markets, still manages seven funds with about $2.2 billion in assets. The global fund, the firm's oldest, was betting the Swiss franc would decline, said the person, who asked not to be named because the information is private.

Armel Leslie, a spokesman for Everest Capital with Peppercomm, declined to comment on the losses. Calls to Dimitrijevic weren't returned.

Last year, the main fund rose 14.1 percent, driven by Chinese equities and bets against currencies, including a wager that the Swiss franc would fall after citizens rejected a referendum that would require the central bank to hold at least 20 percent of its assets in gold, the investor report said.
It Only Takes One

When you speculate with leverage, you can turn from being a hero to a goat in 15 minutes. Poof. $830 million in assets turned to ashes overnight.

Dimitrijevic grew assets over five crises, then lost it all on one bet, a recent one, speculating the wrong way on the Swiss Franc after Switzerland voted against a referendum on gold.

Morals of the Story

  1. Don't borrow money in other currencies, especially long-term mortgages.
  2. Don't expect currency interventions to work forever.
  3. Don't believe statements made by central bankers. They are not the economic wizards they are made out to be, and they often lie when it suits their purpose.
  4. It only takes one wrong macro bet with leverage to make a fortune or wipe you out. 
  5. When you are speculating with other people's money, especially when you take in a 20% performance fee, there is a huge incentive to make leveraged bets.

Points 1-3 above from Rabbit Hole Intervention Fails: Wild Moves in Swiss Franc as Switzerland Abandons Euro Peg; Morals of the Story

Points four and five added to the above list today.

My guess, and it is just that, is all of Dimitrijevic's funds will see huge withdrawals. People will be wondering, and rightly so, "What the hell else is he doing?"

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

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Seth's Blog : Question checklist for reviewing your new marketing materials...

Question checklist for reviewing your new marketing materials...

For that new video, or that new brochure, or anything you create that you're hoping will change minds (and spread):

What's it for?
    When it works, will we be able to tell? What's it supposed to do?

Who is it for?
    What specific group or tribe or worldview is this designed to resonate with?

What does this remind you of?
    Who has used this vernacular before? Is it as well done as the previous one was?

What's the call to action?
    Is there a moment when you are clearly asking people to do something?

Show this to ten strangers. Don't say anything. What do they ask you?
    Now, ask them what the material is asking them to do.

What is the urgency?
    Why now?

Your job is not to answer every question, your job is not to close the sale. The purpose of this work is to amplify interest, generate interaction and spread your idea to the people who need to hear it, at the same time that you build trust.

You will rarely achieve this with one fell swoop, so be prepared to drip your way through countless swoops until you've earned the privilege of engaging with the audience you seek.


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vineri, 16 ianuarie 2015

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Run on Greek Banks Spreads; Four Banks Request Emergency Liquidity; €77 billion in Nonperforming Loans Another Reason to Get Out

Posted: 16 Jan 2015 02:51 PM PST

On January 9, 2015 I posted Another Run on Greek Banks Begins; Get Out While You Still Can; Buy Gold.

On the same day, Greek finance minister Gikas Hardouvelis said "Probability of a Bank Run is Small and Deposits are Safe".

I propose Hardouvelis' statement was one of those "lie when it's serious moments".

"Don't Worry, It's Only a Precaution"

The clear picture of which one of us is right emerged when two Greek banks requested Emergency Liquidity  Assistance (ELA) from the Central Bank.

In another potential "lie when it's serious moment" both banks said "It's only a precaution".

Greek Banks Request Emergency Liquidity as Outflows Grow

Bloomberg reports Greek Banks Request Emergency Liquidity as Outflows Grow.
Two Greek lenders asked to borrow from the nation's central bank emergency line as deposit outflows already exceed 4 billion euros ($4.6 billion) this month.

Eurobank Ergasias SA (EUROB) and Alpha Bank (ALPHA) AE requested to tap the Emergency Liquidity Assistance, or ELA, said a senior Greek government official with knowledge of the matter. The request was filed following Bank of Greece instructions, according to officials at the two banks.

Both officials said neither lender plans to use the liquidity boost at this stage and the request was submitted based on the central bank's estimate that they might need it over coming weeks. All three officials asked for anonymity because the matter is private. A Bank of Greece spokesman declined to comment.

Savers, seeking safety for their cash amid concern about the outcome of parliamentary elections on Jan. 25, are accelerating deposit outflows and draining liquidity from the country's lenders. Net withdrawals were about 3 billion euros in December and have increased since then, thus exceeding 7 billion euros since speculation on snap elections began, according to a Greek official with knowledge of the matter.

Total deposits in Greek banks stood at 164.3 billion euros in November, according to the latest available data from the Bank of Greece. (TELL)
Investor Unease

The Wall Street Journal has a few more interesting details in its synopsis Investor Unease Hangs Over Greece Ahead of Vote.
Eurobank and another lender, Alpha Bank SA, have requested access to an emergency cash facility run by the central bank. Both said the moves were only a precaution and that neither faced an immediate funding crunch.

People familiar with the matter said the banks are seeking a few billion euros between them. The move has again evoked fears over the stability of Greece's banking system as the country lurches through another period of political uncertainty.

On Friday, Greek government bond prices sank and stocks declined. The Athens Stock Exchange General Index fell 1.8%, with banks leading the drop.

According to the latest data from Greece's central bank, nonperforming loans, those for which debtors have failed to make payments for more than 90 days, total €77 billion.
As a "Precaution"

On the "slim" chance that that "€77 billion in nonperforming may possibly matter", and the equally slim chance that I am correct about runs on the bank, I repeat as a caution Get Out While You Still Can; Buy Gold.

Don't worry, my recommendation is "just a precaution".

By the way, ZeroHedge just reported Greek Bank Run Spreads To Four Largest Banks, all of them requesting ELA.

Clearly "just precautions".

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Is Faith in Central Bankers Ending? Disinflation or Deflation? Yen-Gold, Euro-Gold Trend Breaks

Posted: 16 Jan 2015 11:37 AM PST

Is Gold Tracking Anything?

Numerous people reported last year that the Yen/Dollar (JPY/USD) pair and gold were moving in a direct synchronous relationship. If one rose or fell, so did the other.

I made some comments regarding the relationship on December 12, 2014 in Is Gold Tracking Movements in the Yen, Euro, Anything?
Since the beginning of the year, gold has tracked movements in the euro even better than the Yen. But look still closer. Since November, gold has been inversely correlated to both the Yen and the Euro.

This past year shows why these kinds of correlations are typically meaningless. Sometimes gold tracks the euro, sometimes the yen, sometimes the dollar, and sometimes inversely to all of those.

I see no fundamental reason for gold in dollars to track the Yen.

For whatever reason (or more likely, for no reason at all), the divergence since November (a shift to an inverse correlation from a positive one), might be the end of the previous trend.

Often, by the time people spot such trends, that trend is about to end.
Yen-Gold, Euro-Gold Update

Gold did track the JPY/USD pair since 2012, but that trend appears over.Perhaps it starts again, perhaps not.

Here are a pair of fresh charts courtesy of my friend Nick at SharelynxGold (Gold Charts "R" Us). Subscriptions Required, Red and Blue Arrow Annotations Mine

Euro vs. Yen vs. Gold

Click on Any Chart for Sharper Image

Euro vs. Yen vs. Gold Since October 2014 

Starting early November, gold has been inversely correlated to the JPY/USD pair. Similarly, gold had been correlated to the euro but that changed to an inverse relationship in late December.

I specifically asked Nick for a chart starting October of 2014 to show the trend break that I knew had taken place.

Fundamental Reason?

Although I commented in December I saw no fundamental reason for the relationship, that does not mean there wasn't one.

Today I offer three speculative possibilities

  1. Gold generally does very poorly in disinflation (falling rates of inflation), and that's when other asset classes perform best. The period from 1980 to 2000 is a perfect example.  In contrast, gold has historically done well in deflation, stagflation, and rising credit risk in the senior currency (in this case, the US dollar). The great depression is a perfect example. 
  2. Belief in central banks' ability to control things forever is finally coming into question, as well it should.
  3. Gold does well when the soundness of the global financial system comes into question.  

All of the above may be true.

For thoughts along those lines of number 2, please see ...

From the Down the Rabbit Hole ...

Morals of the Story

  1. Don't borrow money in other currencies, especially long-term mortgages.
  2. Don't expect currency interventions to work forever.
  3. Don't believe statements made by central bankers. They are not the economic wizards they are made out to be, and they often lie when it suits their purpose.

Number 3 is the most important one. For further discussion of point 3, please see Grand Experiment Failure; Bankers Prefer Bubbles; Europe is not USA; Final Epitaph.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Grand Experiment Failure; Bankers Prefer Bubbles; Europe is not USA; Final Epitaph

Posted: 15 Jan 2015 11:54 PM PST

Lower Interest Rates May Reduce Consumption

Saxo Bank CIO and chief economist Steen Jakobsen made a few comments the other day that hit me in the face like a bucket of ice water.

Here they are again, taken from Steen Jakobsen Warns "Euro is Not a Good Idea and ECB About to Make Biggest Mistake in History"

Jakobsen says success stories like the three QE Federal Reserve (Fed) cannot be extrapolated to the Eurozone. His reason? The US is a net debtor and falling interest rates affects international creditors and rising national income. In Europe the opposite is true. Citizens of the euro countries are net savers, which means that falling interest rates deteriorates their income and does nothing to activate the economy.

That paragraph stood out because Michael Pettis at China Financial Markets has made similar statements about interest rates in China.

Pettis on Strains in China's Banking System

Please consider this snip from Pettis on Strains in China's Banking System; Avoiding the Fall (an excerpt from Taking Stock of China's Transition by Michael Pettis - via email - no link available - emphasis in italics mine).
In cases where consumption is a relatively small part of total demand, in which household savings are high and tend to occur in the form of bank deposits, and especially if most new credit is allocated to producers rather than consumers, lower interest rates actually reduce consumption by reducing household income (lowering the return on savings), and increase production by lowering financing costs for producers.

The same can happen with currency depreciation, which reduces disposable household income by raising import prices while subsidizing the tradable goods sector. In cases like China and Japan, the net effect is more likely to increase total production of goods and services by more than it increases total consumption, so that the pressure on prices is disinflationary, not inflationary.

For years we have seen massive monetary expansion in China accompanied by low consumer price inflation, and most of that inflation was anyway driven by higher food prices, which were caused not by loose money but rather by agricultural shortages. For the past three years we have also seen the yen depreciate by nearly 40%, and yet not only has there been no corresponding increase in Japanese inflation, but we are constantly surprised by much weaker-than-expected consumption. Disinflation and even deflation, in other words, is going to be very hard to fight.
Europe vs. China

I pinged Michael Pettis with this question two days ago. "Is Steen saying the same thing as you in a more concise way, or are there differences between Europe and China in regards to lower interest rates."

Here is the reply from Pettis...
Steen is pointing to one of the many factors that can change what we always assume is an inverse relationship between monetary easing and consumer demand. In the US, monetary easing is almost always positive for consumption and it is almost always inflationary, and so we assume that this is true everywhere, but it doesn't have to be true. There are only two things to remember, but we rarely remember them:

1. Changes in household consumption (which is most consumption) can be fully explained by changes in household income and changes in household savings rates. By the way, when you are looking for the data, some call "household" what others call "personal" -- it's the same.

a) If monetary easing causes household income to rise (by increasing employment), or if it increases household wealth (by increasing the value of equity, bonds and real estate), or if it reduces the desire to save (by reducing the reward for saving, or by reducing the cost of consumer credit), it will cause consumption to rise.

b) If monetary easing causes household income to decline (by reducing the return on bank deposits), or if it reduces household wealth (because most savings are in the form of bank deposits, which now have a lower return), or if it increases the desire to save (by increasing income inequality), it will cause consumption to decline.

c) In the US, monetary easing seems to reduce unemployment, it seems to increase household wealth on average, because most Americans savings are not in the form of bank deposits, it seems to reduce the desire to save, by making credit cards cheaper, and while it may increase income inequality, on average it seems to have a strong positive effect on consumption. In China monetary easing has little effect on unemployment because unemployment is still low, it seems to reduce household wealth on average, because most Chinese savings are in the form of bank deposits, it seems to increase the desire to save, because Chinese households have a target savings amount for retirement or for their kid's university and lower deposit rates force them to save more to meet the target, it makes credit cards cheaper but there is little consumer credit in China, and it may increase income inequality. On average monetary easing seems to have a weak or negative effect on consumption.

2. Monetary easing can cause consumption to rise or to decline, for the reasons above, and it almost always causes production to rise (businesses can borrow more cheaply to expand facilities). If monetary easing causes production to rise faster than consumption, it is disinflationary. If monetary easing causes consumption to rise faster than production, it is inflationary.

My point is about #2. I argue that although monetary easing causes consumption to rise faster than production in the US, it does the opposite in China because most credit goes to production and on average monetary easing seems to have a weak or negative effect on consumption.

Steen is discussing #1. He argues that because Europeans have higher savings than Americans, and because most of it is in bank deposits, monetary easing has a negative effect on consumption in Europe, and not positive as in the US. Changes in consumption, by the way, also affect investment because businesses are unlikely to expand production if consumption is weak.

In short, Steen's point is very interesting and too-often overlooked. And yes, I agree with your comment that in the US QE "works" mainly by causing debt to rise – in the sense that reigniting the equity and real estate bubble simply encourages households to spend the additional wealth in the form of consumer credit. Instead of inflating bubbles we should either improve infrastructure investment or fix the trade problem. I suspect the bankers that seem to be driving policy prefer bubbles.

Household Savings vs. Current Account Surplus

Pettis did have this caution regarding household savings vs. total savings.

"Europe has a higher total savings rate. We know that because Europe has a current account surplus equal to the excess of total savings over total investment. In contrast, the US has a deficit equal to the excess of total investment over total savings. But that doesn't mean Europe has a higher household savings rate. Please check the data," advised Pettis.

Household Savings Rates

After reading the above, inquiring minds are likely wondering about the household savings rate in Europe vs. other countries.

Results from the OECD Household Saving Fate Forecast, an estimate of the percentage of disposable household income saved, may be shocking to some.

click on chart for sharper image

Savings Rate Analysis Suggests Steen is Correct

Europe is without a doubt saving more than the US in percentage terms

In the US, it's relatively safe to assume that even following the huge market plunge in 2008-2009, most choose financial assets rather than bank accounts as the primary savings vehicle.

Europe may be quite different, possibly because of demographics.

Take a look at Japan. There is virtually no saving now, even though there once was. Not only that, but Japan's current account is now in deficit.

Psychology of Deflation

When I sent Pettis the above OECD link he commented "Wow, remember 20-30 years ago when the Japanese had the highest savings rate in the developed world? We were told back then that Confucian societies just can't help themselves when it comes to thrift."

Yes, I do remember. And one need only go back to 2007, not 20-30 years ago.

Flashback, January 11, 2007: Q&A on the Psychology of Deflation
Following are questions and comments in regards to Significant Shifts In Psychology.

Typically the questions or comments are about cultural differences in Japan, a belief that printing presses can always defeat deflation, that we are in some sort of 70's rerun situation, public obligations will cause inflation, the Fed can reflate the housing bubble, and comparisons to the Weimar Republic.

[Note: the comments on culture below are from a reader. My thoughts follow.]


  • Too even compare the citizens of Japan to the US is stupid, stupid, stupid Forest Gump!
  • Culturally the Americans are spendthrifts compared to the Japanese.
  • Japan's culture is older than 200 years and culturally they are different and it does matter.
  • The comparison to Japan is hollow, North Americans have become drunk on excess and will keep spending until the repo vans appear in the driveway.

Mish Reply

Comparisons to Japan are not stupid at all. It is important to understand both current differences as well as trends. The biggest differences are demographics (an aging population and immigration policies) and consumer debt. The former is a deflationary force in Japan, the latter a deflationary force in the US. Consumer debt is an enormously deflationary force when it reaches the point it cannot be serviced. We are at that point now and we face additional deflationary pressures of outsourcing and global wage arbitrage.

When it comes to spending one also has to remember that it was not that long ago that the savings rate in the US was 8%. That savings rate steadily declined to the point where it went negative for 18 consecutive months. What cannot continue will not continue by definition. A negative savings rate cannot continue forever. There will be a trend reversal in the US back towards the norm on savings and sooner or later a trend reversal back towards spending in Japan. After a 20 year bout with deflation in Japan it is too easy to say they are a nation of savers. Likewise after a massive 20 year spending spree in the US it is easy to project that trend forever into the future. Neither trend can last forever. The savings rate in the US has only one way to go and that is up. A reversal towards savings in the US will actually be quite supportive of the US dollar.
Japan Since Then

  1. Japan has gone from being the largest creditor nation in the world to being the largest debtor nation in the world
  2. Japan now has the largest debt-to-GDP ratio of any developed country, roughly 250% of GDP.
  3. Japan has totally and completely squandered every bit of its savings.
  4. Keynesians cheered every step of the way, amazingly concluding, Japan failed because it did not spend enough!

Central Banking's Grand Experiment

In spite of the above, and ignoring the total failure of both Monetarism and Keynesianism in Japan for decades, Bloomberg author Barry Ritholtz came out today in praise of Central Banking's Grand Experiment.
Perhaps it is merely a coincidence, but the U.S., with the most activist central bank and after more than five years of quantitative easing and a zero interest rate policy, has the best looking economy in the developed world. Europe, where Germanic austerity and central-bank timidity prevails, looks the worst. Japan is somewhere in the middle, both in terms of its economic recovery and QE.

Preliminary results of these grand monetary experiments are now in and the results are clear: More monetary stimulus equals a strongest economic recovery.

Hey, maybe this isn't a coincidence after all? [Emphasis Ritholtz]

In Europe, monetary policy is a prisoner of German paranoia. Hyperinflation of the Weimar era 90 years ago has created a Teutonic form of posttraumatic stress disorder.

It is worth noting that opponents of central bank intervention and deficit spending in the U.S. have issued similar warnings for the past six years -- first inflation, then hyperinflation, then the inevitable collapse of the dollar.

The U.S. is now winding down its QE program, with the expectation that the economy is strong enough to withstand slightly higher interest rates.

Europe remains the slowest economy, with (not coincidentally) the weakest monetary and fiscal response of the developed nations. The euro-zone's misguided embrace of austerity has consigned the region to an economic holding cell that will be hard to escape without bold steps.

A new court opinion has now cleared the way for the ECB to join the U.S. and Japan in a bond-buying program. We will soon find out whether it has the brass to do so and join in central banking's grand experiment.

We don't yet know what will be inscribed on the tombstones of central bankers of the present era. As for the Fed, perhaps its epitaph will be "At least we tried." [Emphasis Mine]

Ritholtz is a friend. Nonetheless, a point-by-point rebuttal is appropriate. His entire thesis can be summed up as follows: "It worked here, so it must work everywhere, even though circumstances are not the same."

He ignores savings rates, methods of savings, demographics, cultural differences, distant history, and even recent history.

Europe and Japan are not the US. Demographics are different. So is culture. So is history, even if over time (great periods of time) things average out.

I wonder how anyone cannot see the total and complete failure of Japan, a country that tried for decades to defeat deflation while going from the world's largest creditor nation to the world's largest debtor nation in the process.

It's easy for many to sympathize with Ritholtz's statement "It is worth noting that opponents of central bank intervention and deficit spending in the U.S. have issued similar warnings for the past six years -- first inflation, then hyperinflation, then the inevitable collapse of the dollar."

However, I was not in that group.

Ritholtz conveniently lumps all inflationists together as if they were the only ones opposed to Fed interventions.

The clear fact of the matter is as follows: Even though I staunchly opposed Fed intervention, I maintained this entire time that hyperinflation or even high inflation (as measured by consumer prices) was nonsense.

Ritholtz fails to look ahead. Presumably, what worked before must work again, in other places, even though times have changed and the circumstances are different.

Bankers Prefer Bubbles

In my post Steen Jakobsen Warns "Euro is Not a Good Idea and ECB About to Make Biggest Mistake in History" I commented...
The euro cannot and will not work because it's fatally flawed as I have noted for years.

Fatal flaws include no fiscal union, wildly differing social agendas of member states, wide variances in productivity, wage discrepancies, and retirement benefit discrepancies.

Those problems make it impossible to conduct monetary policy. The "Target2" system of payments is icing on the fatally flawed cake. (See Eurozone Target2 Imbalances Rise Again, Led by Italy).

Finally, I maintain QE did not work in the US either, unless "work" means creating one of the biggest equity bubbles in history coupled with the absolute biggest junk bond bubble in history.
If Your Job Benefits From Bubbles Can You See Them?

In response to my initial email, Pettis replied ...

"And yes, I agree with your comment that in the US QE "works" mainly by causing debt to rise – in the sense that reigniting the equity and real estate bubble simply encourages households to spend the additional wealth in the form of consumer credit. Instead of inflating bubbles we should either improve infrastructure investment or fix the trade problem. I suspect the bankers that seem to be driving policy prefer bubbles."

Indeed they do. And so do most in professions that depend on bubbles.

Psychology of Bubbles

The psychology of bubbles for those depending on bubbles is such that it pays not to see them! Imagine the real estate broker in 2006 advising clients not to buy!

Like it or not, Ritholtz and most in my profession are in the same boat. Advising clients to get out of the market or buy assets that are not rising in price is a damn hard thing to do.

This is not an accusation against Ritholtz personally. This is simply an honest reflection of human psychology.

Results In?

It is far too early to conclude as Ritholtz did "Preliminary results of these grand monetary experiments are now in and the results are clear." At least he said "preliminary".

I maintain that all the Fed did (and has ever done), is blow bubble after bubble, with increasing amplitude over time, to the sole benefit of the bankers, the asset holders, and the political ruling class.

The 2000 dotcom bubble was superseded by the housing bubble which was superseded by the current equity and junk bond bubbles, all in the futile effort of stopping recessions, fixing the business cycle, and preventing deflation.

The psychology of the current asset bubble is like those that preceded it. Most people will not understand there is a bubble now until it pops.

It was far easier for stock advisors to spot the real estate bubble than it is to spot the equity bubble now because stock advisors are generally not in the real estate business. Still, some missed it, others didn't.

Regardless, here's an obvious fact that most still cannot see: You cannot cure a deflationary debt hangover by forcing more debt into the system. Such efforts may appear to work in the short run (in specific situations as noted above), but it's all an illusion papered over by bubbles of increasing size.

And here's the irony: "At least we tried [to create inflation]" is not only the essence of the rising income inequality problem that Fed Chair Janet Yellen (and countless others) moan about, it's also the very essence of the ever-increasing debt problem the world faces.

Final Epitaph

Ritholtz offered his epitaph.  Here's mine. It's in regards to today's central bankers in general, written from the perspective of future historians.

"These fools thought the world needed 2% inflation, thought they could end the business cycle and recessions, and thought they could steer the global economy like a car on a curvy, mountainous roadway. The actual result was a series of economic bubbles of increasing magnitude, culminating with the currency crises of [date]."


Lacy Hunt at Hoisington Management pinged me with this interesting thought: "Academic research indicates that QE in the US contracted rather than expanded economic activity, just as it did in Japan. Thus, Steen could have made the even stronger case that since it didn't work in the US or Japan, it will not work in for the ECB."

To that I will add, I am positive Lacy is correct. Any alleged economic benefit of QE was a monetary illusion coupled with enormous "temporarily" hidden costs.

  1. Bubbles in equities and junk bonds
  2. Expansion of wealth inequality
  3. Massive increase in debt 100% guaranteed to slow future growth

Contrary to widespread popular belief, constant meddling in free markets never provides long-term economic benefits.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

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