miercuri, 6 ianuarie 2016

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Chinese Markets Halted in 14 Minutes 17 Seconds, Equities Plunge Another 7.32%

Posted: 06 Jan 2016 10:09 PM PST

Sea of Red in Asia

There's another bloodbath in Asian equities his morning, the second in a week.

click on chart for sharper image

Chinese Markets Halted in 14 Minutes 17 Seconds

Chinese equities are down another 7.32% and the exchanges were halted in a record 14 minutes, 17 seconds.

The Wall Street Journal comments on China's Shocking Stock Halt.
A plunge in China stocks on Thursday led to their second trading halt this week and the shortest trading day in the market's 25-year history. The duration of trading that occurred in Chinese markets today: 14 minutes 17 seconds.

The Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets were shuttered as "circuit breakers" installed Monday were triggered for the second time this week. The mechanism halts trading for 15 minutes if the CSI 300 index moves 5% and ends trading for the day if it moves 7%.

The Shanghai composite's this week: -11.96%. With today's performance, this week's decline marks the worst start to a year in Chinese trading history. The Shanghai Composite is on track for its worst week since July.

With today's performance, this week's decline marks the worst start to a year in Chinese trading history. The Shanghai Composite is on track for its worst week since July.
$SSEC - Shanghai Composite

When central banks blow bubbles that is what eventually happens.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Reader Asks About "Limited Supply of Homes"; Home Hunting in California

Posted: 06 Jan 2016 06:29 PM PST

Reader Brendan from California has some questions about housing. He writes ...
Hello Mish

I have messaged several Certified Financial Advisors and housing experts about the pending housing outlook for 2016 and 2017. Many suggest housing is related to oil and the stock market. Others say employment outlook and QE play a role.

According the NAR, "there is a limited supply of homes" thus the demand will continue. 

What do you think? 

We are saving to buy a home, but continue to get priced out of the market. I am doing everything possible to make a  good family decision.

Don't Rush!

Hello Brendon. First off I commend you for seeking multiple opinions and not rushing into anything.

That said, please recall the alleged shortage of homes in 2005 and 2006. There was no shortage was there?

Rather, there was an increasing number of people willing to pay any price to get in.

The same is true today. The big difference today vs. the mid 2000s is that local variations are more widespread.

Realistically, there is never a limited supply of homes, but rather a limited supply of homes at prices people are willing to pay.

In California, especially around San Francisco and Silicon Valley, people once again are in a mad scramble to get in at any price.

This just cannot last. So it won't.

Hunting Homes in Silicon Valley

The Washington Post reports on What it's like to house-hunt in Silicon Valley, the nation's priciest market.
It's Sunday, which means house-hunting for Barry and Katie Templin. They have been on the prowl for months and saving for years, looking for a place with reasonable commutes to their technology jobs and good public schools for their two young children. They hope that is not too much to ask, even in Silicon Valley, the nation's most expensive housing market.

They pull their decade-old SUV up to a house that needs to be torn down yet is offered at $1.5 million. "Home has original GE metal kitchen cabinets," the listing brags. They walk up to find the house unlocked and empty. Black mold crawls over the walls. The ceiling is caving in. The wood floors groan as they pass through.

"It's like going into a haunted house," Barry Templin says.

"I can't believe this is 1.5," Katie Templin says.

"It's because it's Los Gatos," explains agent Laura DeFilippo of Alain Pinel Realtors.
Pure Madness

The words that best describe asking $1.5 million for a home with black mold, a ceiling caving in, and original GE metal cabinets are as follows: Pure madness.

If I had that piece of property I would want to get rid of it. When the cycle turns, and it will the seller will be lucky to get one third of that asking price.

That is the dilemma. And that is why Brendon's request for "housing outlook for 2016 and 2017" is far too short.

I advised many to buy in 2009-2011 after pointing out the risks. I cannot do the same today, except in places where valuations are not absurd.

Ramsey Su on Real Estate

I know Ramsey Su as a common-sense real estate expert from 2001-2003 when he posted on a Silicon Investor message board I hosted. He now posts on the Acting Man Blog.

Those wishing to buy a house as well as those interested in real estate in general would be advised to peruse the Ramsey Su Archives on Acting Man.

Specifically, I recommend his most recent post, Fed Action and the Real Estate Market.

Su discusses among other things the "Central Planning Dilemma". He also notes "There are so many things that are fundamentally wrong with the real estate market that I will leave most of them to future rants. For now, I would like to point out that the market suffers from an acute supply and demand imbalance, both geographically and in terms of its mix. All the demand in Silicon Valley is not going to help Texas, which may start to reflect the stress of the oil industry."

Su concludes with "The market cannot handle a 5% or higher mortgage rate. Refinancing still accounts for over 60% of mortgage applications. At 5% or above, the only refinancing business left would be the government's HARP subsidies. As for purchases, all stressed out first time buyers with high debt to income ratios and low down payments will be wiped out. Without the entry level, the trade up level is gone as well."

I conclude with, if you believe a home you want to buy may not be affordable, then undoubtedly it isn't. You could get lucky, but it's far more likely you would become another trapped victim. Caution is in order.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Another 2% Yuan Devaluation Coming Up? What Are the Risks? Explaining Chinese Capital Flight

Posted: 06 Jan 2016 12:54 PM PST

Another Yuan Devaluation Coming Up?

Currency trends suggest another yuan devaluation is coming up. Specifically, the gap between the mainland China yuan (renminbi) to the US dollar, vs. the offshore floating rate of the yuan to the US dollar is now at a record high.

The reason there are two rates is China has tight controls on the range the yuan trades in China, but  the yuan floats outside China.

In contrast to previous years where traders bet the value of the yuan would rise vs. the US dollar, traders are increasingly betting China will devalue.

Explaining Chinese Capital Flight

If China had no capital controls, the onshore and offshore rates would have to be identical otherwise there would be an instant guaranteed free money arbitrage opportunity in virtually unlimited size were China to maintain a peg the market did not agree with.

Here are a couple of charts that show what I mean.

Onshore Yuan

Offshore Yuan

Onshore / Offshore Rate Differentials

  • The onshore rate is 6.5567 per US dollar.
  • The offshore rate is 6.6993 per US dollar.

Another 2% Devaluation?

The onshore yuan is weaker than offshore by 0.1426. That's a bit over 2%.

In the absence of capital controls one could make an instantaneous 2% on an unlimited amount of money. That such spreads exist shows that capital controls work, for the most part, at least for now.

However, capital controls are not perfect. Those able to skirt capital controls do so. One possible method of free arbitrage would be export/import trades that do not really take place, or simply padded higher.

Fraud of such nature cannot be unlimited. $1 trillion in sudden exports or imports is going to get caught, but smaller amounts can be hidden.

In addition, those sitting with a lot of money in a depreciating currency don't exactly like that outcome. Thus capital flight pressure is intense for two reasons.

One way or another (slowly over time, or by another 2% devaluation), the yuan appears destined to sink. When will it stop?

The Risk

The risk, as always is that things get out of hand. Repetitive devaluations could trigger a rash of competitive currency devaluations with Japan or the US entering the picture.

Meanwhile, devaluations will certainly trigger the ire of US Congress that views the trade imbalance with China as proof the yuan is undervalued. Donald Trump has stirred up that exact sentiment,

For further discussion, please see:

Currency Crisis Coming Up

When does pressure on the yuan cease? The answer may very well be "as soon as China floats the yuan and takes off capital controls".

I expect a full-blown currency crisis before that day.

On the other hand, if China floated the yuan right now, it could crash now. Take your currency crisis  poison one way or another.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Factory Orders Decline Again, Previous Month Revised Lower

Posted: 06 Jan 2016 11:10 AM PST

Factory orders rose last month for a change, but nearly all of it was due to transportation, especially aircraft orders that have a very long lead time.

This month we see a 0.2% decline that's in line with the Econoday Consensus Estimate.
Flat is a good description of the nation's factory sector as factory orders slipped 0.2 percent in November, making October's revised 1.3 percent gain look like a rare outlier. Durable goods orders were unchanged in the month while orders for non-durable goods fell 0.4 percent on price weakness for petroleum and coal.

Capital goods data, unfortunately, are mostly weak including a 0.3 percent decline for core orders. Shipments of core capital goods fell 0.6 percent in November and follow October's 1.0 percent decline in readings that will pull down the business investment component of the fourth-quarter GDP report.

Outside of orders, total shipments edged 0.2 percent higher to end a string of declines that go all the way back to July. Inventories also offer good news, falling 0.3 percent and bringing down the inventory-to-shipment ratio to a less heavy 1.35 vs October's 1.36. Unfilled orders are another positive, rising 0.2 percent following a 0.3 percent gain in October.

The factory sector is not exactly robust, the result of weak demand for U.S. exports and also weakness in the domestic energy sector reflected in this report by a 13.6 percent monthly plunge in orders for mining & oil field machinery. But the nation's economy is not narrowly focused on the factory sector, evidenced by healthy readings in today's ISM non-manufacturing report.
New Orders vs. Shipments

Bloomberg commented "But the nation's economy is not narrowly focused on the factory sector, evidenced by healthy readings in today's ISM non-manufacturing report."

Well, the nation's economy is certainly not centered on consumer spending as most think. If it was, one could spend themselves to Nirvana.

Moreover, manufacturing's importance is misunderstood nearly across the board. I posted a chart showing the relationship of manufacturing to nonfarm payrolls.

Upturns and Downturns in Manufacturing ISM vs. Nonfarm Payrolls

The above chart plots percent change in seasonally-adjusted nonfarm payrolls vs. the seasonally adjusted ISM manufacturing index.

Looking at about 30 turning points since 1965, I can only find one key top or bottom where manufacturing ISM did not lead jobs.

For more details, please see ISM a Leading Indicator of Jobs? Why 2016 Will Shock to the Downside!
Mike "Mish" Shedlock

ISM a Leading Indicator of Jobs? Why 2016 Will Shock to the Downside!

Posted: 05 Jan 2016 11:19 PM PST

ISM a Leading Indicator of Jobs?

I expect monthly jobs reports in 2016 will shock to the downside. Before I list all the reasons, here's an interesting chart that suggests manufacturing ISM is a leading indicator of jobs.

Upturns and Downturns in ISM vs. Nonfarm Payrolls

The above chart plots percent change in seasonally-adjusted nonfarm payrolls vs. the seasonally adjusted ISM manufacturing index.

Looking at about 30 turning points since 1965, I can only find one key top or bottom where ISM did not lead jobs. Unless manufacturing turns here, 2016 looks to be a rough year for jobs, especially vs. expectations. 

Why 2016 Will Shock to the Downside!

Manufacturing is not the only reason to think jobs will sour in 2016. Here's a litany of reasons:

  1. Manufacturing has been in an outright recession for nearly a year. Contrary to popular belief, production, not spending is the driver for growth.
  2. Housing is slowing. This was evident even before the construction revisions. Home prices are not affordable.
  3. Higher minimum wages that take effect in January in many states will act as a huge drag on hiring.
  4. Many big box retailers including Walmart and Macy's are struggling. Struggling retailers do not build as many stores as they would otherwise.
  5. Mall vacancies are rising.
  6. Corporate profits are under pressure.
  7. The strong dollar continues to hurt exports.
  8. Inventories have risen far more than sales. This will impact future hiring.
  9. Auto sales, a key component of spending took a hit in December. The auto party, fueled in part by subprime loans cannot last forever.
  10. Canada, the US's largest trading partner is in recession.
  11. Migration issues are straining European relationships. Spillover will affect global trade including trade with the US.
  12. Interest rates are rising even as GDP weakens. The treasury yield curve and Fed fund futures signal caution.
  13. Judging from the Chicago PMI, the service economy is weakening dramatically.
  14. Rent prices and the employee cost of Obamacare have outstripped growth in wages.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Two Teams Tried To Create The Largest Bonfire In The Netherlands On New Year's Eve

Posted: 06 Jan 2016 02:34 PM PST

Two Dutch teams from the districts of Scheveningen, in Noorderstrand, and Duindorp, in Zuiderstrand, tried to outdo each other on New Year's Eve by lighting the biggest bonfire the Netherlands has ever seen. The two different districts built massive piles of wood but It was Duindorp's year this time around as they had the bigger bonfire.

Teen Goes Out Of His Way To Troll A Horny Guy

Posted: 06 Jan 2016 01:41 PM PST

This teen took trolling to the extreme when he put on this outfit.

Restaurant Manager Puts Obnoxious Customer In Her Place On Facebook

Posted: 06 Jan 2016 01:37 PM PST

This woman didn't have a god New Year's Eve and she just couldn't let it go. She had to make sure that her obnoxious voice was heard and in the end she got completely owned.

Seth's Blog : No direction home

No direction home

There are millions of college seniors beginning their job search in earnest.

And many of them are using the skills they've been rewarded for in the past:

Writing applications

Being judged on visible metrics

Showing up at the official (placement) office

Doing well on the assignments

Paying attention to deadlines, but waiting until the last minute, why not

Getting picked

Fitting in

The thing is, whether you're a newly graduating senior (in hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt) or a middle-aged, experienced knowledge worker looking for a new job, what the best gigs want to know is:

Can you show me a history of generous, talented, extraordinary side projects?

Have you ever been so passionate about your work that you've gone in through the side door?

Are you an expert at something that actually generates value?

Have you connected with leaders in the field in moments when you weren't actually looking for a job?

Does your reputation speak for itself?

Where online can I see the trail of magic you regularly create?

None of these things are particularly difficult to learn, if you are willing to be not very good at them before you're good at them.

Alas, famous colleges and the industrial-education process rarely bother to encourage this.


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marți, 5 ianuarie 2016

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Former Dallas Fed Governor Richard Fisher Goes to Squawk Box Confessional: "We Frontloaded a Tremendous Market Rally"; Transcript of Video

Posted: 05 Jan 2016 01:05 PM PST

Fed governors sometimes tell the truth, but generally only after they leave office, and always after the damage has been done.

In that regard, former Dallas Fed governor Robert Fisher admits "We frontloaded a tremendous market rally to create a wealth effect ... The Federal Reserve is a giant weapon that has no ammunition left."

The embedded video will not play in-line, but you can view it on You-Tube by clicking a second time on the notice.

Partial Transcript

Fisher: What the Fed did, and I was part of that group, we frontloaded  a tremendous market rally starting in march of 2009. It was sort of a reverse Wimpy factor. Give me two hamburgers today for one tomorrow. We had a tremendous rally and I think there's a great digestive period that's likely to take place now. And it may continue. Once again, we frontloaded, at the federal reserve, an enormous rally in order to accomplish a wealth effect. I would not blame this [the 2016 selloff] on China. We are always looking for excuses. China is going through a transition that will take a while to correct itself. But what's news there? There's no news there.

Squawk Box: I guess the question Richard is: How ugly will it get? If you do see this big unwind of Fed Policy which fueled a 6 and one-half year bull market, what does it look like on the way down?

Fisher: Well, I was warning my colleagues, don't go [inaudible] if we have a 10-20% correction at some point. ... These markets are heavily priced. They are trading at 19 and a half time earnings without having top line growth you would like to have. We are late in the cycle. These are richly priced. They are not cheap. .... I could see a significant downside. I could also see a flat market for quite some time, digesting that enormous return the Fed engineered for six years.

Squawk Box: Richard, this digestive period, does it usher in an era where assets can't perform in the absence of accommodation?

Fisher: Well, first of all, I don't think there can be much more accommodation. The Federal Reserve is a giant weapon that has no ammunition left. What I do worry about is: It was the Fed, the Fed, the Fed, the Fed for half of my tenure there, which is a decade. Everybody was looking for the Fed to float all boats. In my opinion, they got lazy. Now we go back to fundamental analysis, the kind of work that used to be done, analyzing whether or not a company truly on its own, going to grow its bottom line and be priced accordingly, not expect the Fed tide to lift all boats. When the tide recedes we're going to see who's wearing a bathing suit and who's not. We are beginning to see that. You saw that in junk last year. You also saw it even in the midcaps, and the S&P stripped of its dividends. The only asset that really returned anything last year, again if you take away dividends, believe it or not, was cash at 0.1%. That's a very unusual circumstance.

Squawk Box: Richard. This has been an absolutely extraordinary interview. For you to come on here and say "I was one of the central bankers who engineered the frontloading of the banks, we did it to create a wealth effect" and then you go on and tell us, with a big smile on your face that we are overpriced, which is the word that you used, and there would be some digestive problems,  are you going to take the rap if there is a serious correction in this market? Will you equally come on and say "I'm really sorry we overinflated the market", which is a logical conclusion from what you've said so far in this interview.

Fisher: First of all I wouldn't say that. I voted against QE3. But there's a reason for doing this. Let's be fair to the central banks. We had a horrible crisis. We had to pull it out. All of us unanimously supported that initial move under Ben Bernanke. But in my opinion we went  one step too far, which is QE3. By March 2009 we had already bought a trillion dollars of securities and the market turned that week. To me, personally, as a member of the FOMC, that was sufficient. We had launched a rocket.  And yet we piled on with QE3, but the majority understandably worried we might slide backwards. I think you have to be careful here and frank about what drove the markets. Look at all the interviews over the last many years since we started the QE program. It was the Fed, the Fed, the Fed, the European central bank, the Japanese central bank, and what are the Chinese doing?  All quantitative easing driven by central bank activity. That's not the way markets should be working.  They should be working on their own animal spirits, but they were juiced up by the central banks, including the federal reserve,  even as some of us would not support QE3.

Mish Comments

Finally, but too late, we have a frank admission by a Fed governor explicitly stating some things that needed to be said.

  • The markets are seriously overvalued 
  • The Fed purposely sponsored bubbles, specifically for the wealth effect

So here we are, back with another enormous bubble,  on purpose, with the economy clearly weakening again.

The wealth effect primarily benefited the already wealthy, at the expense of everyone else. In the process, corporations are more debt-leveraged than ever before, and houses are not affordable for those most in need of buying them.

The process was entirely counterproductive, especially from QE3 on.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

December US New Car Sales "Down, Exceptionally Weak" Says Bloomberg; WSJ Says Up and Strong

Posted: 05 Jan 2016 09:45 AM PST

Domestic Car Sales Cap Record Year With Up (and Down) Month

US car sales are going to have a record year in 2015, clearly one of the bright spots in the US economy. Judging from revisions in construction spending, perhaps the only bright spot left besides very lagging jobs data.

December New Car Sales Decline

Today I note from Bloomberg that Domestic New Car Sales Declined in December.

"The Big Three are in and December sales are running below expectations, down about 5 percent from November vs expectations for a 1 to 2 percent decline. Car sales are especially weak with sales of light trucks down only slightly. The Big Three account for roughly half of all sales. Foreign brands will be posting their results through the session."

December New Car Sales Rise

One sees a completely different portrayal in the Wall Street Journal article U.S. Car Sales Poised for Their Best Year Ever.
U.S. new-car sales accelerated through December as auto makers remained poised to report their highest annual sales ever, shattering the record set in 2000.

Car sales are on track for their best-selling month of the year and their best December ever.

General Motors Co. estimates the seasonally-adjusted annual selling rate for light vehicles was 17.8 million units in December and predicted 17.5 million vehicles were sold in the year, surpassing the 2000 record of 17.4 million.

Ford Motor Co. reported sales increased 8.3% to 237,606 vehicles for the Detroit auto maker's best December. Sales of F-Series pickups rose above 85,000 for a 10-year high, and Ford brand SUV sales saw their best December since 2003.

GM, meanwhile, logged a 5.7% increase to 290,230 vehicles as Chevrolet Silverado and GMC Sierra sales momentum continued through the final month of the year.
Sales Purportedly Up (and Down)

Can sales be up and down? Clearly not, so who is correct?

The answer is Bloomberg. The reason pertains to the number of selling days.

  • December 2015 had 28 selling days vs. 26 selling days in December 2014 according to JD Power.
  • November 2015 only had 23 selling days and only four selling weekends for the first time since 2012 according to JD Power.

Based on selling days alone, month over month car sales should be up 5/23 or 21.74%. They weren't. Other seasonal adjustments apply, such as the average December vs. the average November, but the bottom line is the reported month-over-month sales are not what they appear to be at first glance.

Despite the hoopla, December car sales are actually down vs. November. Moreover, sales are "especially weak", given "sales of light trucks are down only slightly".

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Diving Into the Revisions: Construction Spending Revised Lower 7 Consecutive Months! 2015 GDP Will Decline vs. Estimates: By How Much?

Posted: 04 Jan 2016 11:58 PM PST

Understanding the Construction Revisions

Yesterday I commented Government "Processing Error" Sinks Housing Reports for Entire Year.

In that article, I stated 2015 GDP would be revised lower. Some disagree.  

For example, MarketWatch reports IHS Global Insight US economist Patrick Newport wrote in a research note "The upward revision to spending in 2014 is enough to raise growth that year from 2.4% to 2.6%-2.7%. The revisions are likely to boost growth for 2015 as well."

Let's investigate that claim with a look at the actual revised construction data as posted by the Census Bureau.

Note: Don't study this table too long. Instead, skip to the analysis and tables that follow.

Initially Reported vs. Revised - Seasonally Adjusted Data

DateTotal ConstructionTotal Residential Total Private ConstructionPrivate Residential
Previously PublishedRevised January 4, 2016Previously PublishedRevised January 4, 2016Previously PublishedRevised January 4, 2016Previously PublishedRevised January 4, 2016

Construction Spending Revised Lower 7 Consecutive Months!

For two years, construction spending went up vs. previous reported data. The net effect is GDP did indeed rise more than reported in 2014. The flip side is 2015 GDP will be lower than previous reported.

To understand why, we need to look at month over month differences as compared to previously reported numbers. Let's take a look.

Total Construction Spending vs. Previous Reports

DateTotal Construction Spending
Previous M/M IncreaseRevised M/M IncreaseDifference

Total Residential Construction Spending vs. Previous Reports

DateTotal Residential Construction Spending
Previous M/M IncreaseRevised M/M IncreaseDifference

4th Quarter GDPNow Forecast

The GDPNow forecast for 4th quarter is now down to 0.7% from 1.3% on December 23.

2015 GDP Will Decline vs. Previous Estimates: How Much?

The question is not whether 2015 GDP will rise vs. previous estimates, but rather by how much it will sink.

Let's start with the GDPNow forecast.

Of the decline since December 23, 0.5 percentage points came following the Census Bureau's release on construction spending and the ISM report, both on January 4.

I do not know how to separate ISM from construction, but the net result was as follows:

  • Nonresidential structures declined by 0.10
  • Residential declined by 0.14
  • PCE declined by 0.13. 

That's a total of decline for those three components of 0.37 percentage points.

Part of that decline was based not only on revisions, but also on a month-over month decline in November construction spending of 0.4 percentage points.

If 3/4 of the decline in those components is due to construction spending, then I estimate third quarter GDP will be revised about .57 percentage points lower, second quarter .56 percentage points lower, and first quarter .21 percentage points higher.

Those are very crude calculations that may be wildly off the mark.

If accurate, first quarter GDP would be 0.0%, second quarter GDP 3.3%, third quarter GDP would be 1.4%. And if the Atlanta Fed model holds with no changes from here, fourth quarter GDP would be 0.7%.

In that case, 2015 GDP would be about 1.35% with the Fed hiking and GDP decelerating rapidly.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

The Ravishing Women Of The Russian Military

Posted: 05 Jan 2016 05:15 PM PST

These beautiful women know how to defend their country and they also know how to look good while they're doing it.

9 Celebrities That Are Either Vampires Or Time Travelers

Posted: 05 Jan 2016 02:49 PM PST

There's definitely something weird going on here with these celebrities.

The picture of the man looking identical to the infamous actor Nic Cage dates from around 1870.

To the left is a portrait of a man named Paul Mounet, who was born in 1847. He "died" in 1922 under mysterious circumstances, and his body was never found. Mounet worked as a scientist and then became an actor. There's speculation that he left the science field because he didn't want his immortality discovered. He instead faked his death and went into hiding. 

John Travolta, who is a member of the Church of Scientology and believes in reincarnation, "appears" in an antique photo discovered by a collector in Ontario, Canada. The picture was taken 150 years ago, and it is on sale on eBay.

A photo from New York Public Library's Schomberg Center that was taken in Harlem in 1933 shows a man who looks an awful lot like famous rapper Jay-Z.

Matthew McConaughey has the same chiseled features of this Union officer.

Call it a bizarre case of time traveling — John Brown (r.) worked to abolish slavery in the mid-19th century, but Charlie Sheen has merely tried to abolish all forms of sanity. Nevertheless, the two look eerily similar to one another. 

Pope Gregory IX in a fresco by Raphael & Rocky. One famously got bashed around the boxing ring, and the other was more used to having the ring on his finger kissed, but they look like identical twins, or it could it be... 

The Portrait of Sebastián de Morra by Diego Velázquez is a painting of a court dwarf and jester in the court of Philip IV of Spain. It was created around 1645.

Conspiracy theorists are convinced by the evidence above that the Russian president may have been alive for more than a century.