marți, 31 august 2010

Investing in Innovation, Clean Energy and Small Business

The White House Economy and Jobs Agenda
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Week In Economy and Jobs

Yesterday, President Obama called on a partisan minority in Congress to stop obstructing common-sense measures like tax cuts and increased lending for small businesses to help our economy grow. Over the past few weeks, President Obama travelled to Wisconsin, Washington and Ohio to meet with business owners and families and discuss the challenges they are facing in these tough economic times.

Last week, Vice President Biden released a report outlining the Recovery Act’s $100 billion investment in innovation that is not only transforming the economy and creating new jobs, but helping accelerate significant advances in science and technology.  On Wednesday, the Vice President met with small business owners in Washington, DC, to discuss tax policies designed to help middle class families and small businesses.


The President on the Economy: "Pushing This Economy Forward" vs. "The Blockade"
August 30, 2010
The President lays out a series of economic measures to boost the recovery, and tells Republicans in the Senate to stop the obstruction.

Newsflash! Economists Agree
August 30, 2010
A new piece from USA Today is titled "Economists Agree: Stimulus Created 3 Million Jobs."

Setting the Record Straight on Weatherization
August 27, 2010
A close look from the Energy Department on the progress of the Administration's efforts to weatherize homes, a key part of the emerging clean energy economy.

The Facts on the Recovery Act & American Innovation
August 26, 2010

A look at the report out this week on some of the amazing innovations spurred by the Recovery Act that often go under the radar, and a debunking of some of the attacks on the report.

Keeping Taxes Low for the Middle Class and Small Businesses
August 25, 2010

Vice President Biden holds a Middle Class Task Force roundtable discussion with workers and small business owners to discuss tax policies designed to help middle-class families make ends meet and help small businesses invest and grow.

An Increasingly Awkward Dance
August 25, 2010

Jared Bernstein, Deputy Assistant to the President on Economic Policy, debunks Representative Boehner's claims that the Recovery Act hasn’t created or saved American jobs.

Their Economic Policies Haven’t Changed, So They Won’t Bring the Change We Need
August 24, 2010
House Minority Leader John Boehner gave a speech at the City Club of Cleveland laying out the major planks of his party’s economic agenda. Unfortunately, families in Ohio and across the country don’t need to wait until the speech to learn about these economic policies because they’ve been living with the impact of many of these same old policies for years.

Your Credit Card Bill of Rights Now in Full Effect
August 23, 2010
The President releases a statement on the final reform provisions of the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure (CARD) Act.

Lakes and Rivers: A Middle Class Task Force Visit to the Chrysler Toledo Assembly Complex
August 23, 2010
Vice President Biden travels to Toledo, Ohio, today to hold a Middle Class Task Force event at the Chrysler Toledo Assembly Complex - a state-of-the-art complex that houses the main assembly plant producing the Jeep Wrangler.

President to Congress: Put Small Business Assistance to a Vote
August 19, 2010
President Obama calls on a partisan minority in Congress to stop blocking legislation that would make loans more available and cut taxes for small businesses.

Video: A Backyard Conversation with the President
August 19, 2010
President Obama takes questions on a range of topics including health care, Wall St. reform, the economy and social security during a backyard discussion with families in Columbus, Ohio.

Around the Kitchen Table in Columbus, Ohio
August 18. 2010

The President sits around the kitchen table with the Weithman Family in Columbus, Ohio and speaks to families from the area about the economy, an issue that's on a lot of people’s minds right now.

"Small Businesses Are the Backbone of Our Economy and the Cornerstones of Our Communities"
August 17, 2010
President Obama meets with small business owners in Seattle and calls on a small partisan minority in Congress to stop obstructing legislation that would help small business owners get loans.

New Battery Technology and New Jobs in Wisconsin
August 16, 2010
President Obama travels to Wisconsin to visit the ZBB Energy Corporation’s manufacturing facility and discuss the importance of investing in clean energy manufacturing.

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