sâmbătă, 25 septembrie 2010

Daily Snapshot: Crossroads on the Economy

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Your Weekly Address: Crossroads on the Economy

The President lays out the choice between his plan to keep our economy moving forward, and the agenda put out by Republicans in Congress taking us backward to the special interest economy that created this mess. Watch the video.

 West Wing Week

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog

A Saturday in the Outdoors
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar encourages Americans to get outdoors in honor of National Public Lands Day and National Hunting and Fishing Day.

West Wing Week: "Immeasurable Courage and Uncommon Valor"
Welcome to West Wing Week, your guide to everything that’s happening at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. This week, walk step by step with the President as he announces that Elizabeth Warren will lead the effort to get the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau off the ground, participates in a live CNBC town hall, awards Chief Master Sergeant Richard L. Etchberger, U.S. Air Force, the Medal of Honor posthumously for valor he displayed in combat, and much more.

 Sixteen Years of the Violence Against Women Act
More than a hundred advocates and college students from around the country gather at the home of Vice President Biden to mark the 16th anniversary of the Violence Against Act (VAWA).

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