joi, 23 septembrie 2010

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Voice Recognition Elevator

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 07:01 AM PDT

Hehe, this is from Burnistoun season 1 episode 1.

"You're from the same part of England as Dick Van Dyke?" *LOL*

The Everyday Life in Greenland

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 06:41 AM PDT

Greenland is an autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark. It's the 13th largest country by area but it has the population of only 56,000 people. Here are very interesting photos made by a Norwegian photographer Andrea Gjestvang that illustrate the everyday life of Greenland.

Hansigne Thomassen will clean and prepare the husband has brought home, in Aappilattoq, a village on the west coast.


The northem lights as seen in Isortoq, a small settlement on the east coast.

Murphy`s Dar in Ilulissat.

At home in Isortoq.

A soccer match in Aappilattoq.

Watching from a classroom as a helicopter arrives in SiorapaLuk, Greenland`s northernmost settlement.

Seals in Isortoq.

Seal hearts are said to be nutritious and a traditional treat after a successful hunt.

Otto Simigaq prepares for a long journey to visit family members in Siorapaluk.

In Ikerasak.

Children fishing on the ice in the aftemoon in Siorapaluk.

Dines carved a swastika into his upper arm out of boredom.

At a community center party in Aappilattoq.

Nikolai exercises to keep in shape and ward off depression.

Tove dropped out of school and moved to her boyfiend`s village after becomming pregnant.

A birthday party in Siorapaluk.

In Qaanaaq.

Philippe Croizon First Limbless Man to Cross English Channel

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 06:24 AM PDT

Philippe Croizon, 42, who had undergone amputation of all four limbs, became the first man in the world without arms and legs, managed to overcome the 22 miles English Channel that separate France from the UK.

The Frenchman became disabled 16 years ago after he had received a powerful electrical discharge of current while trying to fix a television antenna. The burns were so severe that doctors had to amputate all his limbs. One day after watching a documentary about the swimmers crossing the Channel, Philippe decided that he should try his luck as well. For the last two years, he has been training in the pool at least 30 hours a week and working out at the gym. He has a special prosthesis and a swimsuit that were designed for him for this purpose.French President Nicolas Sarkozy personally wished good luck to the daredevil. Going from the British port of Folkestone at 7.00 am, he finished the race at 9.13 pm in the French city of Wissant... Croizon arrived a few hours earlier than planned.

Blind kitty Jack

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 01:58 AM PDT

This cat was born without any eyes but in spite it is doing just fine. It lives with its mother and seems to be having a fine time. They say that people who are short one sense are more acute in their others. It must be true for cats too.

Playing with Perspective

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 01:44 AM PDT

The photos in this post will have you wondering what's wrong with your eyes. The physical objects in the photos appear to be bigger or smaller than they really are. The result is a visual illusion. That's why it's playing with perspective.

SUV Test Ride Gone Bad

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 01:33 AM PDT

These guys wanted to test a new car by racing on the sand. There was a puddle on their way, but the driver decided that his jeep was not afraid of water. So he started to drive through it at high speed, but the puddle happened to be not that small. See more photos and a video of what was going on after the jump.

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