miercuri, 8 septembrie 2010

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

An Interview on SEOBook

Posted: 07 Sep 2010 04:32 PM PDT

Posted by randfish

Just a short post tonight.

First, off, I'm honored to be interviewed by Aaron Wall. We've had our differences and maintain some divergent opinions on a few topics, but we both have an insane passion for helping make SEO professionals better at their job and work hard to grow the credibility of SEO as a whole.

SEOBook Interview

Second - we've got a lot of reason to be thankful. SEOmoz was recently named the 334th fastest growing company in the US by Inc Magazine. I was named to Seattle's 40 Under 40 List (I'm guessing it's a typo) and we've recently passed 6,000 PRO subscribers (actually, we're up over 6,300 as of today).

SEOmoz's Jen Lopez as Wonder Woman

As amazing as all that is, nearly everyone at SEOmoz is thinking not about these milestones, but about one of our own - Jen Lopez - who noted on her Twitter feed that she's out battling cancer. We are all with you Jen - every last one of us, with all our hearts. And we agree: #fuckcancer

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