luni, 25 octombrie 2010

New White Board Video and a New Report on Women and the Economy

The White House Economy and Jobs Agenda
Monday, October 25, 2010

The Week In Economy and Jobs

Last Thursday, President Obama travelled to Seattle, Washington and held a backyard conversation with women about their economic challenges and concerns.  Earlier in the day the National Economic Council released a report that outlined the economic landscape for women and details many of the ways the Obama Administration is committed to strengthening America’s economy and providing opportunities for women across the country.

Earlier in the week, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, Austan Gooslbee, released the second White House White Board video – this time taking a look back at the President’s record on the economy through the perspective of the last three years of private sector employment.


Weekly Address: Letting Wall Street Run Wild Again
October 23, 2010
Pointing to the foreclosure crisis and the economy, the President cites passage of Wall Street Reform over the ferocious lobbying of Wall Street banks as a pivotal achievement -- and condemns Republicans in Congress for vowing to repeal it.

What Do They Expect in Return?
October 22, 2010
Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer zeroes in on the real significance of the flood of secret corporate money into our elections and the opposition of Republicans in Congress to the DISCLOSE Act.

President Obama Talks to American Women on the Economy: The People Behind the Report
October 21, 2010
The President takes some time in a backyard in Seattle, Washington to talk with women who are moving forward in every sector of our economy.

Tax Cut Facts: How Obama’s Tax Cuts Are Helping American Families
October 21, 2010
Jared Bernstein, Chief Economic Advisor to the Vice President, discusses widely underestimated benefits of President Obama's tax cuts.

TIGER II Grants to 75 Innovative Projects Will Change the Transportation Landscape, Create Jobs in 40 States
October 21, 2010
Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood writes about the funding of 75 innovative new projects that will put people to work today building a 21st century foundation for tomorrow's economic growth.

Providing Jobs and Economic Security for America's Women
October 21, 2010
Valerie Jarrett discusses a new report that outlines the economic landscape for women today and details many of the ways the Obama Administration is committed to strengthening America’s economy and providing opportunities for women across the country.

Report Shows The Recovery Act Creates Jobs and Changes Lives for the Better
October 20, 2010
Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack releases a report outlining how Recovery Act funds allocated to seven programs administered by USDA Rural Development have sparked economic growth, created or saved over 300,000 jobs, and funded projects in almost 3,000 counties.

A Path Forward for Communities Affected by the GM Bankruptcy
October 20, 2010
Jared Bernstein with the Middle Class Task Force explains why the agreement between the Old General Motors and federal and state governments to establish a trust to clean up and repurpose 89 properties left behind in the GM bankruptcy is so significant.

Cutting Through the Rhetoric on Spending
October 20, 2010
The New York Times calls Congressional Republicans' bluff on their empty fiscal responsibility rhetoric.

What You Missed: Tuesday Talk with Austan Goolsbee
October 20, 2010
Watch the full video of our Tuesday Talk with CEA Chairman Austan Goolsbee, complete with links to jump to each question.

White House White Board: CEA Chair Austan Goolsbee Explains the Jobs Trends
October 19, 2010
In the second edition of White House White Board, Austan Goolsbee, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, looks back at the President’s record on the economy through the perspective of the last three years in private sector employment.

A Task Force on Veteran Small Business Development
October 18, 2010
Marie Johns, Deputy Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration, discusses the first public meeting of the President’s Interagency Task Force on Veteran Small Business Development.

Taking On Black Lung
October 18, 2010
In the wake of the historic rescue of miners in Chile, Maureen Tracey-Mooney with the Office of the Vice President, discusses efforts to tackle an even more widespread danger to miners.

Weekly Address: GOP Rewarding Corporations that Create Jobs Overseas
October 16, 2010
The President lays out his agenda to foster investment here at home. He vows to close the tax loopholes for sending jobs and profits overseas that Congressional Republicans have tried to protect.

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