joi, 14 octombrie 2010



40 Social Media Tools & WordPress Plugins – a4uexpo Presentation

Posted: 13 Oct 2010 05:53 AM PDT

Today I presented at a4uexpo London on 40 Social Media Tools and WordPress Plugins. This was split equally between the two sections and I’ve shared the slides and individual links, plus provided a very quick summary for each below.

a4uexpo – 40 Social Media Tools & WordPress Plugins

Top 20 Social Media Tools

  1. Hootsuite – manage your social media accounts online and link up with your traffic stats in Google Analytics.
  2. Untweeps – tidy-up your Twitter account by finding the accounts you’re following which have gone stale.
  3. Klout – find influencers based upon Klout score and find ways to improve the influence of your own account.
  4. Topsy – find the top influencers to connect with and help retweet your messages, based on a keyword query.
  5. Wikipedia Traffic Statistics – view how much traffic an individual Wikipedia webpage has generated.
  6. Flowtown – customer insight tool to find which social media sites your customers and contacts are using.
  7. Social Mention – online reputation management tool to show brand mentions and overview of topics.
  8. Scout Labs – view recent stats on brand mentions, plus all information from blogs, news, YouTube, Flickr and Twitter.
  9. KnowEm – protect your brand by claiming the social media profile handles to stop other people from registering them.
  10. Pitchengine – promote your press releases to social media channels.
  11. Journalisted – find top UK journalists based on a search query – recommend searching for industry name.
  12. SWix – comprensive tracking and reporting to pull together a range of social media profile stats into a single dashboard.
  13. Domain Superstar – find new domain name opportunties based on a keyword query.
  14. StumbleUpon advertising – give social media campaigns a boost with some extra paid visits.
  15. Skimlinks – quickly and easily convert external links to affiliate links, when there is a merchant available.
  16. – advertise via Twitter and MySpace to promote your content by paying per tweet/message.
  17. oDesk – find freelancers online to hire for a wide-range of web-based tasks.
  18. Fiverr – build Facebook fan pages and Twitter followings, amongst many other small tasks.
  19. Omgili – search just for forums and find new discussions based on a keyword query.
  20. TubeMogul – distribute your videos to all of the top video sharing websites via a single upload.

Top 20 WordPress Plugins

  1. Sharebar – useful WordPress plugin to display all popular social media bookmarking buttons alongside blog posts.
  2. Blackbird Pie – easily share your favourite tweets by embedding them directly into blogs posts.
  3. – encourage StumbleUpon votes when using URL shorteners to send links out on Twitter.
  4. Backtype – pull together the latest discussion around a blog post from social media websites.
  5. Subscribe to comments – encourage the continuation of blog discussions, with email alert messages to commenters.
  6. All in One SEO – automatically optimise title tags, description and noindex/follow meta tags.
  7. Yet Another Related Posts – automatically build internal links to related content from each blog post.
  8. Google XML Sitemaps Generator – great way of automatically generating an XML sitemap to keep your blog up-to-date.
  9. Redirection – easily manage the redirection of a blog from one URL to a new version.
  10. SEO Smart Links – automatically create internal/external links when keywords are mentioned within content.
  11. Feedburner FeedSmith – automatically forwards any RSS URL’s to use a single Feedburner version.
  12. RSS Footer – add copyright, external links and promotions for subscribers and scraper sites using RSS feeds.
  13. WordPress Database Backup – make sure you have a backup of your site incase the worst happens.
  14. WP Super Cache – make sure your blog is running as quickly as possible, looking to keep users and search engines happy!
  15. A/B Theme Testing Plugin - split test two different WordPress designs or layouts alongside each other simultaneously.
  16. Zemanta – get inspiration to brighten up posts, with images and external links recommended to bloggers.
  17. WP Robot – automated plugin for important Amazon and eBay products into a blog automatically. Be careful with this one!
  18. WP125 – ad management tool to rotate ads and manage the expiry date for direct advertisers.
  19. Geolocation targeting – try targeting your ads specifically for your most popular audience locations.
  20. WP-e-commerce – convert your WordPress site into an e-commerce store so that you manage the buying process.

Also if you have any questions from the session, please ask – happy to answer either in the comments or via Twitter.

© SEOptimise – Download our free business guide to blogging whitepaper and sign-up for the SEOptimise monthly newsletter. 40 Social Media Tools & WordPress Plugins – a4uexpo Presentation

Related posts:

  1. Top 20 WordPress Plugins to Supercharge Your Blog
  2. 30 SEO, Social Media & Marketing Case Studies that Prove the ROI of it All
  3. Advanced Blog & WordPress SEO: 30 Points Most Bloggers Overlook

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