marți, 19 octombrie 2010

Seth's Blog : Killer apps now shipping (early days)

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Killer apps now shipping (early days)

You may have read about my proposed apps:

One made it easier to run and manage meetings, and the other made it easier to present a powerpoint-style slideshow on the iPad (but better).

I'm delighted to report that early versions of both have been built by loyal readers who read the posts and chose to take action.

Meeting Mngr Pro lets you manage timing, share images and connect among many iPads.

Nonlinear lets you import a PDF or PPT file and then jump around. It's not for building slides, it's for navigating them, and even includes a way to drive an external monitor in a clever way.

For ver. 1.0 products, they're both cheap and pretty cool. I have no doubt that with feedback and loyal users, they'll each develop into very cool tools.

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