sâmbătă, 30 octombrie 2010

Seth's Blog : Won't get fooled again

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Won't get fooled again

I know you say your media returns results better than anyone else's. I've heard that before.

I know you say that this stock is a sure thing, even better than gold. I've heard that before.

I know you say you'll work full time on business development even though it's hard work and there are distractions everywhere. I've heard that before.

I know you say that your promotional strategy for this movie is huge and we should run more ads and promote it more as a result. We've heard that before too.

The reason that people don't believe you isn't that you're a liar. The reason we don't believe you is that the guy before you (and the woman before him) were unduly optimistic hypesters and we got burned. We believed, we leaned into it and we got stuck.

If you catch yourself making a promise that's been made before, stop. Don't spend a lot of time and effort building credibility with this sort of promising, because it doesn't pay off.

Make different promises, or even better, do, don't say.

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