luni, 4 octombrie 2010

Small Business Relief and Backyard Chats on the Economy

The White House Economy and Jobs Agenda
Monday, October 4, 2010

The Week In Economy and Jobs

Last weeek, President Obama signed the Small Business Jobs Act into law. In addition to the eight small business tax cuts the President has already signed into law, this bill includes eight more which will accelerate more than $55 billion in tax relief over the next year to businesses across the country.  Capital gains taxes will be completely eliminated for key investments in small businesses driving capital to as many as one million small firms across America.  Later in the week, the President hit the road to talk to middle class families in New Mexico, Iowa and Virginia about their economic concerns.  

In case you missed it, be sure to check out the first edition of the White House White Board video series.  Council of Economic Advisers Chair Austan Goolsbee explains the fight over extending tax cuts for the middle class. 


Creating a Fair Playing Field for American Businesses Overseas
October 4, 2010
Victoria Espinel, U.S. Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator, explains efforts to enforce American intellectual property rights as the President seeks to dramatically expand American exports.

Community Colleges: The Backbone of Our Public Workforce System
October 3, 2010
Jane Oates, Assistant Secretary for the Employment and Training Administration at the Department of Labor, explains why those focused on getting Americans to work are excited about the White House Summit on Community Colleges.

Weekly Address: Solar Power & a Clean Energy Economy
October 2, 2010
The President points to a revolutionary new solar plant that will employ 1,000 people and power 140,000 homes. The plant is possible because of the President’s investments in the clean energy economy, which Congressional Republicans want to eliminate.

If We’re Serious about Jobs, Don’t Stop Job Creation
October 1, 2010
NEC Director Lawrence Summers explains how a partisan minority in Congress has put up to 100,000 jobs in jeopardy, and what can be done about it.

White House White Board: CEA Chair Austan Goolsbee Explains the Tax Cut Fight
September 29, 2010
Introducing White House Whiteboard, in which one of our key players on the White House team will cut through the political back-and-forth you hear every day and break down an issue affecting American families into simple, understandable terms.

A Living-Room Discussion with Middle Class Families
September 28, 2010
A look at Vice President Biden's visit to the home of Bob and Lorie Cochran in Manchester, New Hampshire for a discussion on the economy and other issues that are important to middle class families.

The President on Our Veterans & Choosing Priorities in Albuquerque
September 28, 2010
Meeting with Andy and Etta Cavalier at their home in Albuquerque, New Mexico, President Obama spoke openly on the economy with area families the Cavaliers’ front yard.

President of the Small Business Where GOP Announced "Pledge" Applauds Small Business Jobs Bill
September 28, 2010
The owner of Tart Lumber, where Republicans announced their “Pledge to America,” comes out in support of the Small Business Jobs Act the President just signed -- and that Republicans almost universally voted against.

Keep Putting Them on the Job!
September 27, 2010
A look at the immensely successful Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Subsidized Jobs program -- and what will happen if it is allowed to end prematurely.

President Obama Signs Small Business Jobs Act - Learn What's In It
September 27, 2010
You may have heard about the Small Business Jobs Act -- here's what's in it.

Weekly Address: Crossroads on the Economy
September 25, 2010
The President lays out the choice between his plan to keep our economy moving forward, and the agenda put out by Republicans in Congress taking us backward to the special interest economy that created this mess.

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