joi, 2 decembrie 2010

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Modern Scarecrow

Posted: 02 Dec 2010 07:42 AM PST

On the one hand, this plan involves a lot of time and expense just to scare birds, especially as they will get used to it eventually. On the other hand, if the purpose is to give us a laugh, it works nicely!

People Riding Inappropriate Animals

Posted: 02 Dec 2010 07:24 AM PST

Have you a ever seen a girl riding a crocodile or a man riding a lion? No? Then you must see these photos.

25 Hot Girls Dressed As Hot Video Game Characters

Posted: 02 Dec 2010 12:39 AM PST

Today, we take a look at a strange blending of hot chicks, and video games.

Morrigan Aensland from Darkstalkers

Aeris from Final Fantasy VII

Ivy from Soul Caliber

Sophitia from Soul Caliber

Faith from Mirror's Edge

Sheva from Resident Evil 5

New Team Rocket Trainer from Pokemon

Jill Valentine from Resident Evil 3

Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy VII

Ada Wong from Resident Evil 2

Princess Peach from Super Mario Bros

Nondescript Elf NPC from World of Warcraft

Bayonetta from Bayonetta

Cortana from Halo

Rebecca Chambers from Resident Evil

Lilith from Borderlands

Chun Li from Street Fighter

Link from The Legend of Zelda

Jack from Mass Effect 2

Miranda from Mass Effect 2

Samus Aran from Metroid

Lara Croft from Tomb Raider

Rikku from Final Fantasy X-2

The Scout from Team Fortress 2

Chinese Woman Adopts 1500 Dogs, 200 Cats

Posted: 02 Dec 2010 12:13 AM PST

Ha Wenjin, a dog lover from China, has given up her job, sold her house, car and jewelry to take care of over 1,500 dogs and 200 cats.

The middle-aged woman says she started out with just a few dogs that she could tend to in her spare time, but as their number kept growing, she had to give up her career and spend her entire day caring to the dogs' needs. Before she knew it, she practically had her personal animal shelter, complete with 10 workers who look after the dogs, and 2 more who take care of the cats.

LIFE Magazine first reported on Ha Wenjin's amazing animal shelter, in 2006, and the resourceful woman managed to keep the facility outside Nanjing running until now. She had a number of volunteers coming in at least once a week to check on the dogs, and people donated most of the food. But now, the 1,500 dogs and 200 cats have to move to a new home, as Chinese government officials reclaimed the land the shelter is built on, and threaten to close the place down.

Ha Wenjin had to act fast, and find a cheap but large enough space, where her beloved pets could relocate to. She managed to find it in Houyu village, far away enough from human settlements, because she admits 1,500 dogs are not quiet. Now all she has to do is find enough volunteers to help her move the dogs with the help of four buses, and clean the vehicles afterwards. Ha Wenjin definitely has her work cut out for her, but she has no intention of giving up in her fight to save as many stray dogs and cats as she can.

Back in 2006, LIFE Magazine reported it cost around $37,500 a year to take care of the dogs, but now, with more than double the number of animals, you can imagine how tough it is for Ha Wenjin to keep her animal center open, especially with no help from local authorities. Luckily, most of the food comes from donations, but there are many other things that cost a lot of money.

Just to be clear, the animals are not as crowded as the photos show. It's only like this at feeding time.

Chinese Brides With and Without Makeup

Posted: 02 Dec 2010 12:13 AM PST

Fat Cat Giuly is a New Internet Sensation

Posted: 01 Dec 2010 11:50 PM PST

Fat cat Giuly became famous after her owner Chiara Bagnoli from Florence, Italy, has uploaded her photos to the Net. Giuly is 5 years old, she loves to pose in front of the camera. 28-year-old Chiara Bagnoli says that the cat is lovely, very sweet and quiet. She love the rain and to hug trees. Giuly is playful, but very lazy. Here are the best photos of Guily. She is very cute, but is healthy for a cat to be so fat?

Source: flickr

A History of James Bond Cars (Infographic)

Posted: 01 Dec 2010 11:43 PM PST

Throughout the James Bond series of films and novels Q Branch has given Bond a wide variety of vehicles with which to battle his enemies. Among the most noteworthy gadgets Bond has been equipped with various vehicles that have numerous modifications to include weapons systems, anti-pursuit systems, alternate transportation modes, and various other functions.

From the first to the most recent, check out what made these cars so special, and upped the ante for this quintessential ladies man.

More Infographics.

Click to Enlarge.

Source: carinsurance

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