luni, 13 decembrie 2010

New Behind the Scenes Photos from November

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Monday, Dec. 13,  2010

Photostream: Behind the Scenes in November

Check out 79 behind the scenes photos from the month of November and get the inside scoop on a few of these photos from Official White House Photographer Pete Souza.

View more photos.

Photo of the Day

President Barack Obama greets the Sinkfield family in the Outer Oval Office, Nov. 24, 2010. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

The American DREAM
The second in a series of posts from top Administration Officials on the importance of the DREAM Act comes from Labor Secretary Hilda Solis.

Weekly Address: Protecting the Middle Class & the Economy
The President strongly urges both parties in Congress to pass the compromise on tax cuts, unemployment insurance, and job creation. Not doing so would hurt the middle class, those struggling to find work, and the economy itself.

President Obama & President Clinton on Tax Cuts, Unemployment Insurance & Jobs
President Obama was joined by President Clinton in urging Congress to pass the compromise framework. Full video and photos.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).

9:30 AM: The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

10:35 AM: The President signs the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010; the President and the First Lady deliver remarks

11:25 AM: The President meets with senior advisors

11:45 AM: The Vice President meets with Representative Ike Skelton

1:30 PM: Briefing by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs

1:45 PM: The Vice President meets with Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak

2:45 PM: The President participates in a service project with Lakers coaches and staff and DC-area youth

3:10 PM: The President delivers remarks honoring the NBA Championship Lakers

4:00 PM: The President meets with UN Ambassadors

4:30 PM: The President and the Vice President meet with Secretary Gates

5:40 PM: The President attends the Diplomatic Corps Holiday Reception   Indicates events that will be live streamed on

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