miercuri, 22 decembrie 2010



30 Great SEO Blogs You Might Not Know Yet

Posted: 21 Dec 2010 08:59 AM PST

Recently both my own SEO Blog SEO 2.0 and the SEOptimise blog have been featured in a few “top SEO blogs” lists. While I was of course delighted to get so much appreciation for publication I write for I also noticed that some of the “best blogs” weren’t best at all while other really good blogs about SEO were missing. Thus I decided to compile a list of 30 great SEO blogs you might not know yet.

These blogs and the respective bloggers involved are often funny, intriguing and posting in-depth articles. Others are on point and stay on top of events or cover SEO in a manner everyone can understand.

OK, long story short below are the blogs I refer to. For each blog I have a post I recommend as an example of the respective writing skills.​

SEO Blogs by SEO Consultants, Execs and other Specialists

SEO Blogs by SEO and other Companies

Blogs by SEO Allstars and Veterans

SEO Related Blogs from Outside the SEO industry

Of course these 30 blogs are nit the only blogs I really recommend. Time limitations made me limit this list to those who caught my eye ore recently. I’ve collected many more weblogs from the SEO industry and beyond on Blekko in the offical /seoblogs slashtag.

Which dark horse SEO blogs do you read? Add them in the comment section. You can promote yourself as well or complain for not being included!​

© SEOptimise – Download our free business guide to blogging whitepaper and sign-up for the SEOptimise monthly newsletter. 30 Great SEO Blogs You Might Not Know Yet

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