joi, 30 decembrie 2010

Seth's Blog : #YearInReview What did you ship in 2010?

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#YearInReview What did you ship in 2010?

This might be a useful exercise. Doesn't matter whether it was a hit or not, it just matters that you shipped it. Shipping something that scares you (and a lot of what follows did) is the entire point.

[Funny, it's actually difficult to publish a list like this... maybe that's another reason we hesitate to ship, because we don't want to tout too much].

Here's a baker's dozen from the year I'm wrapping up... this obsession with shipping can really make things happen:

  • Launch Linchpin
  • Book launch in New York, including triiibes dinner
  • Worldwide blog tour, including book signing with Steven Pressfield
  • Launch and run the Nano MBA program
  • Launch Roadtrip—Boston, DC, Chicago, Atlanta, Los Angeles
  • Two worldwide Linchpin meetups--more than 1500 meetups held
  • Squidoo launches social gaming system and hits the top 90 on Quantcast
  • Speech at the ISB in Hyderabad
  • $40,000 for Charity:Water in July
  • $275,000 for charity from Squidoo to celebrate 5 years
  • 13,000 people at Catalyst in October, including Graceful booklet
  • Launch and run the FeMBA program
  • Announce the Domino Project with Amazon and hire accomplices to help launch it

I didn't do all this myself... far from it. Thanks to Ishita and the thousands of readers and volunteers and colleagues, including the Squids, that pitched in and made these projects happen. There's also another ten or fifteen projects that I started but couldn't find the guts to finish or ship. If it doesn't ship, it doesn't count.

Your turn to post a list somewhere... You'll probably be surprised at how much you accomplished last year. Go ahead and share with your friends, colleagues or the web... don't be shy.

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