sâmbătă, 4 decembrie 2010

Your Weekly Address: Tax Cuts and Unemployment Insurance

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Saturday, Dec. 4,  2010

Your Weekly Address: Tax Cuts and Unemployment Insurance

With President Obama visiting troops in Afghanistan, Vice President Biden says Congress must extend both the middle class tax cuts and unemployment insurance for the sake of those families and the broader economy.

Watch the video.

Weekly Wrap Up 

A quick look at the week of November 29th, 2010:

Quote: “Some people ask whether America’s best days lie ahead or whether our greatness stretches back behind us in the stories of those who’ve gone before. And when I look out at all of you, I know the answer to that.  You give me hope. You give me inspiration. Your resolve shows that Americans will never succumb to fear.  Your selfless service shows who we are, who we always will be -- united as one people and united as one nation -- for you embody and stand up for the values that make us what we are as a people,” said President Obama to the troops at Bagram Air Base during a surprise visit to Afghanistan.

West Wing Week: “Sharp Elbows” Watch the video.

“A New Dialogue”:  The President is optimistic tone following a meeting with bipartisan Congressional leaders. Watch the video.

White House Christmas: See how the White House gets into the holiday spirit -- 19 Christmas trees, 97 volunteers, 40,000 pipe cleaners and much, much more. Also, don’t miss a time-lapse video that captures the making of the Official White House Christmas Tree.

2 Million: The number of Americans who lost their unemployment insurance when it expired this week. A reality that the President called, “A potential tragedy for those individual families,” if the program is not extended.

Your Voice at the UN: Ambassador Rice wants the world’s decision-makers to hear what issues matter to you. Find out how you can shape the debate at the next Security Council meeting.

DADT: The President asks Congress to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Read his statement on the DOD report, plus a round-up of newspaper editorials supporting the repeal of DADT.

Chu Answered: Energy Secretary Steven Chu answers your questions on innovations in clean energy as part of Tuesday Talks. Watch the video.

Heads of States: President Obama and Vice President Biden speak to newly-elected governors. Watch the video.

“The People’s House”: First Lady Michelle Obama kicks off the holiday season by welcoming military families to the White House to preview the holiday decorations. Watch the video.

White House, Red Ribbon: President Obama commemorates World AIDS Day. Watch the President’s message and see a photo of the red ribbon that adorned the White House’s North Portico.

Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah: President Obama, Vice President Biden and the First Lady celebrate the 2nd night of Hanukkah with friends and leaders from the Jewish community. Watch the video.

@PressSec: Press Secretary Robert Gibbs answers your questions from Twitter in another installment of First Question.

A New START:  President Obama and General Colin Powell push for the ratification of the New START nuclear treaty with Russia. Watch the video.

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