sâmbătă, 15 ianuarie 2011

Your Weekly Address: "Before We are Democrats or Republicans, We are Americans"

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Saturday, Jan. 15,  2011

Your Weekly Address: "Before We are Democrats or Republicans, We are Americans"

As Congress returns to work, the President calls on them -- and all of us -- to debate our differences vigorously but to live up to the spirit of common cause we felt following the tragedy in Arizona.

Watch the video.

Weekly Address

Weekly Wrap Up

Tragedy in Arizona: On Saturday, January 8th, 2011, senseless acts of violence committed in Tucson, Arizona claimed innocent lives. At a memorial event, President Obama asked Americans to channel their emotions toward the pursuit of a more perfect union, saying that "If this tragedy prompts reflection and debate -- as it should -- let’s make sure it’s worthy of those we have lost." Watch the video. View the photo gallery. Read an open letter to parents from the First Lady.

MLK Day: Find opportunities in your community to honor Dr. King and mark the 25th anniversary of the holiday by volunteering with a service project near you.

In Numbers: Less than a month after President Obama signs the tax cut compromise, millions of American workers are already seeing the impact show up in their paychecks from the payroll tax cut – here are some numbers to help you understand what that means.

Changes for Cuba and America: The President directs the Secretaries of State, Treasury, and Homeland Security to take a series of steps to continue efforts to reach out to the Cuban people in support of their desire to freely determine their country’s future. Read the announcement.

Honoring Holbrooke: The President joins countless others in honoring legend of American diplomacy Richard Holbrooke. Read the remarks.

West Wing Week: Preview of "Dispatches from Sudan": This week, an historic referendum took place in Sudan and West Wing Week takes you there. Join General Scott Gration, President Obama's Special Envoy to Sudan, for a unique look at the vote that could result in the world's newest nation. Watch the video.

VP Visits Afghanistan: Vice President Biden spends the week in Afghanistan to assess progress toward full independence for Afghanistan, meet with our partners, and commend our troops. Read the post. View the gallery.

Haiti: One Year Later: A statement from the President. A look back on the last year and on toward the future from the highest-ranking Haitian-American official in the Obama Administration.

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