miercuri, 16 februarie 2011

Raven SEO Tools Review – Getting Started With Keywords Graywolf's SEO Blog

Raven SEO Tools Review – Getting Started With Keywords Graywolf's SEO Blog

Raven SEO Tools Review – Getting Started With Keywords

Posted: 15 Feb 2011 07:44 AM PST

Post image for Raven SEO Tools Review – Getting Started With Keywords

I’ve been spending some quality time with Raven Tools, and I thought I’d turn it into a tutorial series to help you get more out of using the tools as well.

I’m going to assume you’re starting from scratch here; if you’re not, just skip the steps as needed. The first thing you need to do is set up a profile. A profile allows you to keep “related” sites together. For example if you had 3 travel sites and 3 gadget sites, I would set up two profiles–one for travel & one for gadgets. If you have client work and your own sites, you can divide it that way as well. Just think of it as a big drawer in a virtual filing cabinet. For this tutorial, I’m going to be using one profile for this website. After you have named the profile, it asks you to enter the domain and choose which search engines you want to track rankings on

Raven Tools Website Setup

For this tutorial I’m going to do things manually, but you can feel free to use setup wizard if you like. Once that’s done, I like to hook in Google analytics. You do that under the analytics tab. If you are logged into Google Analytics, the account will show (sorry about the redaction); if not, it will promptyou to log in. Then you will choose which site from that Google profile it should use.

Raven Screen Analytics Setup

If everything worked, you should see your analytics data which looks something like this:

Screen Analytics Data

f your website has been running for a while, there will likely be some keyword data. You can access it by pressing the “keyword” link at the top of the page. In the lower part of the page you will see keywords you already rank for. If you would like to track your position for one of the words, click the “add” button on the right.

Raven Keyword Analytics Import

It’s likely you’ll want to track more than one word, but (to keep things simple) I’ll just be using [seo blog] for now.  Once I’ve added all the words from my analytics, I want to find some new keywords. I’m lazy … err efficient … so I like to start by looking at what others in my space are doing. For the purpose of this tutorial I’m going to look at Sugarrae.com. So Head on over to Research > Keyword Analyzer and put in the domain you want to scan.

research tab

In a minute or so you’ll see the results, which look something like this:

Keyword Analysis

You’ll notice symbols next to the words. Raven tries to tell you what it thinks those words are. [Advil] for example is a product. [Christine Churchill] is a person. It thinks [internet marketing] is a company (hey it’s not always right), and it thinks [affiliate sales] is a keyword. If I wanted to start tracking my rankings for any of those words, I would just use the “add” link on the right.

Next you’ll want to try the SEM Rush Keyword Tool, which is located under Research > SEM Rush. SEM Rush is a paid keyword tool that’s included with your Raven subscription. What’s nice here is it gives you a a lot of extra data like what the CPC is for adwords (this helps you identify high value or high conversion keywords), traffic volume, number of results, and so on. You can add the words to your tracking report with the “add” link on the right.

SEM Rush Keywords

Next up is the Wordtracker Tool, which is another paid SEO keyword tool included in your Raven subscription. Access this tool by going to  Research > Wordtracker in the menu. This works a little differently than the the tools we have looked at so far. It asks you to put in one or more words then gives you back a list of suggested or related keywords. Again you can add them to the tracking with the “add” link on the right.

Wordtracker Raven Tools

Last is the Google Adwords Keyword tool located under Research > Adwords Research. It works the same way the Wordtracker tool does, using one or more seed terms to build a list of similar or related keyword suggestions. It gives you prior months’ volume, last month’s volume, and competition. Again add keywords to your tracking list with the “add” text on the right.

Raven Adwords Keywords

Next you want to head over to the Ranking > Competitors tab and enter in any competing websites. I put those websites in for example purposes only. Let’s not start any Gray hates Rae/Aaron/Rand rumors okay …

Raven Competition

Let’s do one last check of all of the keywords we have decided to track using the Rankings > Keyword tab.

Raven Master Keyword Tracker

Now it’s time to look at where we rank for our keywords and compare ourselves to the competition. You can change competitors using the drop down on the right.

Keyword Ranking

Raven Competition Keyword

The last thing you’ll want to do is add the analytics, keyword, and rank tracking to your dashboard.

Raven Dashboard

There’s a lot more you can do with Raven Tools, which I’ll take a look at in future posts.

To be clear I am a current paying customer of Raven SEO Tools. If you sign up from my link I will get a commission. However I feel that this is a tool that can help you be more productive and make more money, which is why I’m comfortable recommending it. Feel free to try Raven Tools for 30 days for free. You don’t even need a credit card to sign up …

tla starter kit

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This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis Wordpress Theme review.

Raven SEO Tools Review – Getting Started With Keywords

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