joi, 3 februarie 2011

White House White Board: Startup America

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Thursday, Feb. 3,  2011

White House White Board: Startup America

In this edition, Austan Goolsbee, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, explains how the new Startup America program will help entrepreneurs overcome what’s often called the “valley of death” on the way to success.

Watch the video.

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

The New START Treaty: Signed
The President signs a landmark nuclear arms treaty with Russia, New START, which will advance our security, our relations with Russia, and our progress toward a world not imperiled by nuclear weapons.

On the Road to Energy Efficiency
The President's Better Building Initiative will reduce energy costs for American businesses, and encourage innovation to create a new wave of energy-efficient technology and design.

Elizabeth Warren announces the launch of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's new website, Check out a quick video introduction to the CFPB narrated by Ron Howard and join a conversation on their new site.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).

8:00 AM: The President delivers remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast; the Vice President and the First Lady also attend

9:30 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

10:05 AM: The President departs the White House en route Andrews Air Force Base

10:20 AM: The President departs Andrews Air Force Base en route University Park, Pennsylvania

11:05 AM: The President arrives in University Park, Pennsylvania

11:30 AM: The President tours labs at Pennsylvania State University

12:00 AM: The President delivers remarks on innovation

12:45 AM: The Vice President delivers remarks at a lunch for the Global Chiefs of Mission Conference

1:20 AM: The President departs University Park, Pennsylvania

2:05 AM: The President arrives at Andrews Air Force Base

2:20 AM: The President arrives at the White House  Indicates events that will be live streamed on

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