miercuri, 2 februarie 2011

Winning the Future Through Clean Energy Innovation

The White House Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Energy and Environment Agenda

In his State of the Union Address, President Obama emphasized the importance of investing in clean energy innovation. The President introduced a number of ambitious, but achievable proposals that will transform America’s energy future through innovation including generating 80 percent of our energy from clean energy sources by 2035, putting one million advanced technology vehicles on the road by 2015, and investing over $8 billion in research, development and deployment of clean energy programs.   

In case you missed it, be sure to check out the President State of the Union Address at WhiteHouse.gov/SOTU.

Over the past few weeks, agencies from around the Administration have been outlining the ways in which they are already helping to win the clean energy future.  Check out their blog posts below.


Keeping America Competitive: Innovation and Clean Energy
Heather Zichal, Deputy Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change, outlines the President's plans to win the future by building a clean energy economy here at home.

Meeting the President's Challenge on Clean Energy at the ARPA-E Summit
The 2011 Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy Summit will showcase technologies and innovations that are helping America meet the President's challenge to win the future through clean energy.

Standing Up Renewable Energy on America’s Lands and Oceans
Secretary Gary Locke discusses ways the Department of Commerce is supporting entrepreneurs all across America who are developing clean energy and energy-efficient technologies like installing wind turbines and solar panels, developing improved batteries for hybrid cars and putting the pieces of the next generation electricity grid together.

Winning the Future, Proterra Style
Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood discusses his visit to Proterra, Inc., in Greenville, S.C. Proterra is using Federal Transit Administration grants to produce fast-charge batteries, and creating clean energy jobs in Greenville.

Our Plan to Put One Million Advanced Technology Vehicles on America’s Roads
Vice President Joe Biden traveled to Greenfield, IN to visit a manufacturer of advanced batteries who can help the country meet President Obama's goal to put one million advanced technology vehicles on the road.

Greening The Department of Veteran Affairs: A Year in Review
The Department of Veterans Affairs making great strides toward operating more energy efficient facilities, using more renewable energy, “greening” our vehicle fleets, and achieving other milestones on the path to creating a sustainable agency.

USDA Accomplishments in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
The Department of Agriculture is working to build a green energy economy. By producing renewable energy – especially biofuels – America’s farmers, ranchers and rural communities have the potential to help ensure our nation’s energy, environmental, and economic security

Discover and Deliver: The Big Picture on Energy
The Department of Energy has awarded more than $32 billion to promote clean energy and put Americans to work. It has also laid the groundwork to support clean energy technologies.

Moving the Navy and Marine Corps Off Fossil Fuels
Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus discusses five ambitious goals to reduce fossil fuel consumption in the Navy and Marine Corps and increase the use of alternative energy to at least 50% of their energy requirements no later than 2020.

Open for Comments: National Ocean Policy Strategic Action Plans
As part of President Obama’s commitment to move toward the first comprehensive national policy for our oceans, the National Ocean Council (NOC) is responsible for developing strategic action plans to achieve nine priority objectives that address some of the most pressing challenges facing the ocean, our coasts, and the Great Lakes.

Department of Transportation Investments in American Innovation
Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood discusses the Department of Transportation's efforts toward greater sustainability and a cleaner environment.

Leading by Example: The Federal Government's Sustainable Future
With a portfolio including 350 million square feet of public buildings, 200,000 federal vehicles, and a flow of goods and services throughout government totaling $95 billion, the General Services Administration is moving the federal government towards a more sustainable future.

A Commitment to Responsibility – HUD’s Work to Build a Clean Energy Economy and a Stronger Environment
Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Shaun Donovan, shares some of HUD's major accomplishments in advancing clean energy and a stronger environment.

Standing Up Renewable Energy on America’s Lands and Oceans
By helping stand up responsible large-scale renewable energy projects on America’s public lands and oceans, the Department of the Interior is helping to fulfill President Obama’s vision for a new energy future.

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