sâmbătă, 2 aprilie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Giant Stinson Beach Bubbles

Posted: 02 Apr 2011 12:09 AM PDT

Bubble-smith Sterling Johnson on Stinson Beach. Shot with a Canon 550D. This guy looks like a wizard.

Abandoned Streets of New Orleans

Posted: 02 Apr 2011 12:06 AM PDT

According to the official information, the population of New Orleans lost 29.1% in the past 10 years. Now things are going better but some parts and streets of New Orleans are still empty and abandoned. For more images.

30 Creative April Fools Office Pranks

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 11:58 PM PDT

April Fools Day is here! And what better way to spend your day in the office than pranking your coworkers? I stumbled on a few and then couldn't stop searching!

Here are 30 of my favorites:

Source: highersalary

Soldiers Fainting During Official Ceremonies

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 11:35 PM PDT

Military people, too. And the soldiers of honor and elite troops are especially vulnerable to stress and excitement. Add to this the need to stand for several hours in the heat, without moving, holding the hot metal weapons. Stand it can not everyone.

Sources: telegraph

Clumsy Seller

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 11:26 PM PDT

This Mike cracks me up. Just read his 5 emails where he's messing with people as usual.

He's quite creative. I love the one with the dishwasher. Simply hilarious.

Source: dontevenreply

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