miercuri, 20 aprilie 2011

Open for Questions: Earth Day Live Chat from the South Lawn

The White House Wednesday, April 20,  2011

Open for Questions: Earth Day Live Chat from the South Lawn

In honor of Earth Day, Nancy Sutley, Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality, and Heather Zichal, Deputy Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change, are hosting a special Open for Questions event live from the South Lawn of the White House.

If you’ve got questions about what the Obama Administration is doing to protect our air and water or how we’re building a clean energy future, be sure to tune in:

  • When: Thursday, April 21 at 4:30 p.m. EDT
  • Where: Streaming live from the South Lawn of the White House at WhiteHouse.gov/live and on Facebook
  • Who: Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality Chair Nancy Sutley, Deputy Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change Heather Zichal, and YOU!
  • Get Involved: You can submit your questions via our Facebook chat application during the chat or submit them in advance on our webform

White House Highlights

We're in the Global Clean Energy Race to Win: Federal Investment in California Solar Energy Plant
April 18, 2011
Energy Secretary Steven Chu talks about the important work the Department of Energy is doing to support American innovators creating clean energy here at home.

Connecting with Each Other, Connecting with our Great Outdoors
April 18, 2011
Amy Salzman, Associate Director for Policy Outreach at the Council on Environmental Quality, blogs on the first America's Great Outdoors Council Meeting.

Building a Greener Tomorrow
April 15, 2011
Kimberly Lewis from Greenbuild talks about the work her organization is doing to improve energy efficiency in U.S. buildings, and what she learned from the Champions of Change: Clean Energy roundtable at the White House.

Window to An Energy Efficient Future
April 15, 2011
As part of the Champions of Change roundtable, Pella Windows and Doors was able to offer their suggestions on making America more energy efficient by replacing single-paned windows.

Training Workers of Today for the Clean Energy Jobs of Tomorrow
April 14, 2011
Jon Boggiano, the co-founder of Everblue Training Institute, reflects on the White House Champions of Change roundtable, where clean energy leaders were able to get together to provide feedback on policies and learn from one another.

Champions of Change: Harnessing the Power of Community and Clean Energy
April 13, 2011
Will Byrne, co-founder of The DC Project, explores the ways in which the clean energy economy can not only encourage our economy but also our home-grown ingenuity and entrepreneurship.

United Streetcar Putting Americans to Work, Putting America in Position to Win The Future
April 12, 2011
Secretary Ray LaHood highlights how grants from the Federal Transit Administration are supporting a number of streetcar projects across the country; projects that are providing American jobs and easing the burden of rising gas prices.

Partnerships and Innovation in Colorado
April 11, 2011
Thirty public schools in Jefferson County are using federal and state incentives to start and maintain a solar project, enabling the school to reallocate resources and strengthen its curriculum.

Weekly Wrap Up: America’s Energy Future
April 8, 2011
The President continued to focus on building a clean energy economy with a tour of a shipping facility in Maryland and a wind turbine manufacturer in Philadelphia.

What You Missed: Open for Question on Energy Security with Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar
April 7, 2011
Secretary Ken Salazar took questions from online viewers and college students who attended the event on President Obama’s Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future.

Reducing Oil Imports and competing for the Jobs of the Future
April 6, 2011
The President talks with workers at the Gamesa wind turbine manufacturing plant about how wind energy will help achieve his goal of reducing our imports of foreign oil by one third by 2025.

How Energy Efficiency is “Lighting Up” the Streets of Philadelphia
April 6, 2011
The spotlight shines on Philadelphia, who used Energy Efficiency Block Grant funds to replace all of the city’s traffic signals with LED lighting, creating jobs and reducing long-term energy costs.

Winning the Future in our Research Laboratories and Facilities
April 4, 2011
Chair Nancy Sutley highlights the important new energy projects taking place at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, including innovative solar panels and a new facility for researchers to develop solutions and technologies to increase building structure safety.

Weekly Address: Gas Prices & Energy Security
April 2, 2011
The President speaks from a UPS customer Center to discuss his Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future and how we can move away from foreign oil and boost the economy.

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