miercuri, 6 aprilie 2011

Watch Live: President Obama's Town Hall on Energy Security

The White House Wednesday, April 6,  2011


Today, President Obama will discuss his long-term plan to protect consumers against rising oil prices and decrease oil imports as well as key components of his broader energy plan at a town hall event at Gamesa Technology Corporation near Philadelphia. Gamesa’s wind-energy turbine manufacturing facility employs approximately 300 workers and was built at a former U.S. Steel industrial site.

You can watch the town hall live at WhiteHouse.gov/live starting at 2:10 p.m. EDT.

And this evening, be sure to tune in for a special Open for Questions on Energy Security with Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar. Secretary Salazar will be answering your questions about President Obama’s Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future. Watch live at WhiteHouse.gov/live and submit your questions on Facebook.


President Obama’s Remarks by the President on the Clean Fleet Partnership
April 1, 2011
The President visits a UPS customer center to speak about public and private Green Fleets as one small piece of his Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future, gas prices, and the latest jobs numbers.

Going Green and Saving Green
April 1, 2011
The White House Council on Environmental Quality answers a question from Twitter on how the U.S. is going green without raising the deficit.

West Wing Week: “Under the Big Blue Whale”
April 1, 2011
This week the President spoke to the American people about the situation in Libya and concluded Education month with visits to a multicultural high school and a New York City science fair.

President Obama’s Green Fleet Initiative A Bold Step Forward in US Energy Use
April 1, 2011
Secretary Ray LaHood highlights President Obama’s new green fleet initiative which focuses on reducing our dependency on foreign oil by purchasing electric, hybrid or alternatively fueled vehicles.

Helping American Families Make Good Choices and Cut Energy Bills
April 1, 2011
Director Melody Barnes discusses the ways in which American families can find relief from high energy bills by making their homes and more energy efficient and by putting a million electric vehicles on the road by 2015.

The Obama Administration’s Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future
March 30, 2011
President Obama speaks to students at Georgetown University about reducing our dependence on oil while moving toward a clean energy economy and announces the release of the Administration’s Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future.

Strengthening Our Understanding of a Changing Planet
March 29, 2011
Associate Director Shere Abbott explores the ways that the new plan and leadership for the U.S. Global Change Research Program will reorganize and realign the program to better serve its stakeholders and enrich our understanding of climate change.

The Results Are In: Drilling Down on Unused Leases
March 29, 2011
Deputy Assistant Heather Zichal discusses the Department of Interior’s report, released on Tuesday, that shows not only has the government made land available for resource development, but also tens of millions of acres currently leased remain undeveloped.

The Facts on Domestic Oil and Gas Production
March 27, 2011
Deputy Assistant Heather Zichal emphasizes the importance of supporting responsible domestic energy production while expanding our energy portfolio to include clean energy sources.

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