joi, 19 mai 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Biggest Difference Between Men and Women

Posted: 19 May 2011 02:54 PM PDT

Two great tennis players Rafael Nadal and Steffi Graf. Check their responses when some one asked them "Will you marry me?" during match.

50 Celebrity Caricatures by Jason Seiler

Posted: 19 May 2011 02:39 PM PDT

A caricature is a portrait that exaggerates the essence of a person or thing to create an easily identifiable visual likeness. A caricature artist can usually be found at amusement parks, parties and famous tourist attractions.

Jason Seiler is an award winning artist from Chicago, Illinois. He specializes in portraits, character design, and humorous illustration. Some of Jason's clients include TIME magazine, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, GOLF magazine, Business Week and MAD magazine. He also teaches how to draw and paint high-end caricature illustrations at

Below you will find my showcase of 50 caricatures by Jason Seiler. Enjoy!

What Would You Take If Your House Was On Fire?

Posted: 19 May 2011 12:17 PM PDT

What would you save if your house was on fire? This is one of those hypothetical questions that is often posed to make us evaluate what we consider important, what we consider worth saving, and to allow us to analyze our lives. Many people hate this question, while others actually have a fully formed list of what they'd save and how they would go about saving it.

In Robert Holden's 'Burning House' project, he photographed what a variety of different people collected that they would save. See if you can identify the items, and what they mean to each person.

Audi A7 Made Out of Paper by Taras Lesko

Posted: 19 May 2011 11:57 AM PDT

Graphic designer, Taras Lesko, is known for possessing a pretty artistic set of hands, having gained fame for some of his elaborate works made out of paper. But his latest work is defined not just for the intricate work done on it, but also for its general awesomeness.

It took Lesko 285 pieces of paper to make 750 parts for this 4 ft x 2 ft x 2 ft scale model of the Audi A7. The man logged 245 hours of work to get it done. The finished product is nothing short of amazing, and the elaborate work wasn't isolated on the exterior too. Even the A7's interior, complete with the infotainment system, was carefully crafted to make it look like the real thing.

Source: Audi USA

Mildred Patty Baena, The Mother Of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Love Child

Posted: 19 May 2011 10:38 AM PDT

The mom of Ex Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's love child has been revealed. Her name is Mildred Baena. She was reported to have gotten pregnant while working of an housekeeper in the Schwarzenegger's residence.

The 50 yrs old single mom of 4 kids was reported to have retired in Jan, of 2011 after working for 20 years with former first family. According to a source, the 2 lovers have numerous sessions of unprotected sex in the family residence during day time as soon as the former movie star got to know she is pregnant, he took up the duty of a "Big Daddy" pretending to absolutely adore the child.

As a retirement benefit, Mildred Baena is currently living in a 4-bedroom home with a pool, a couple of hrs outside of Los Angeles with the youngster and her three other little ones.

Mildred Baena pregnant picture

Greatest Marriage Proposal EVER!

Posted: 18 May 2011 08:32 PM PDT

Charlie took his sister Ginny to the movies. What Charlie knew, but Ginny didn't, was that Ginny's boyfriend Matt had bought a slot during the previews. And we have her reaction on video during the whole thing.

Behind the Scenes of The Famous Movies

Posted: 18 May 2011 06:52 PM PDT

These are photos from famous and popular movie sets.

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