marți, 14 iunie 2011

Anafore Customer Referral Program Review Graywolf's SEO Blog

Anafore Customer Referral Program Review Graywolf's SEO Blog

Anafore Customer Referral Program Review

Posted: 13 Jun 2011 10:34 AM PDT

Post image for Anafore Customer Referral Program Review

The following review is a sponsored post for Anafore Customer Referral Program.

Anafore customer referral program is an email add on that merchants or online stores can use to incentivize customers to share promotional offers with their friends in exchange for their own promotional offers. Basically, when a customer completes an order, it sends them an email asking them to forward this offer (like a 10% discount). For every person who converts, they get a a promotion (like 15% off their next order).

The system is really easy to set up. Basically you set up a custom subdomain to use for tracking, upload your logo, setup the discount message, and install a tracking script on your system. Screen shots of the setup below (click to enlarge)


When a customer completes an order, they give you a secret email to forward the customer info to them, and then either right away or on a delay you send them the email containing the referral offer. You have to program your shopping cart to take care of the discount; Anafore only handles the email and tracking. If you are using Amazon Webstore, Big Cartel, Etsy, Majento, Shopify or Volusion, they provide you with links during setup to get the offer set up properly.

Anafore Cart Options

Anafore tracks how many offers you sent, when you sent them, how many were opened and when, who are the biggest referrers, who are the biggest sharers and lots of other stats. I was running an imaginary campaign, so the numbers are low.

Anafore Tracking Dashboard

The system is really easy to set up and get information out of. If you are using one of the above mentioned platforms, integration is really easy. You can use your own ecommerce system. If you do, you will just need to set up the offers and take care of the data exchange, but it’s not too complicated. They do offer one month risk free; after that, it’s 65 cents per click. My suggestion would be not to trigger the campaign until the customer’s order is approved or ships–this way, you don’t end up paying for leads from deadbeats.

Creating a referral loyalty program is a really good idea. Your current customers are always your best leads, and giving them an incentive to share with their friends is a very good idea. The system is extremely easy to set up and, to be honest, I can’t see it taking more than an afternoon to implement. At 65 cents per click, it’s almost a no brainer unless you are working with extremely low-priced merchandise. You can customize your offers and presentation however you like, although my suggestion is to keep it as simple as possible. You can learn more about customization on the FAQWith a one month risk free offer, it’s hard to go wrong, so give Anafore a try.

The preceding has been a sponsored post. Find out more information about sponsored posts.

photo credit: Shutterstock

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This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis Wordpress Theme review.

Anafore Customer Referral Program Review

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