miercuri, 8 iunie 2011

How to Create an Amazing About Us Page Graywolf's SEO Blog

How to Create an Amazing About Us Page Graywolf's SEO Blog

How to Create an Amazing About Us Page

Posted: 07 Jun 2011 10:13 AM PDT

Post image for How to Create an Amazing About Us Page

About Us pages are one of the essential elements of a trusted website (see How to Make Your Website Seem More Legitimate); however, most people dread writing them or treat them as an after thought. But, with a little creativity, you can turn an ordinary “About Us” page into something really interesting. In this post, we’re going to take a look at three examples.

Most “About Us” pages are so banal they could be used as sleep aids for insomniacs. Other “About Us” pages at the other end of the spectrum  make the company look like boy scouts pulling a sled of orphans up hill through a snow storm because they’re so unbelievably glowing and one sided. One thing you won’t find is a scandal, except in the case of this Sandals Royal Plantation Resort where they talk about employee poaching, misguided romance, and a host of other activities …

Plantation Inn's very first manager was the universally respected Cy Elkins, who brought over many of Jamaica Inn's best staff to the new hotel. At first this symbiotic arrangement seemed to work out well. But, when Cy left Gloria for another love, she never forgave him, both for his desertion of their marriage and his pilfering of Jamaica Inn's treasured staff members! Over his time at the inn, Cy's greatest coup took place when he somehow managed to obtain the services of Theophilus Caiaphas Palmer of Ocho Rios, one of only two Jamaican Sommeliers to have trained in France under the watchful eyes of acclaimed oenologist, Alex Lichine.

Even if  your company doesn’t have a salacious past, you can still create an interesting “About Us” page with some javascript, like Technology With Passion does. When you move your mouse around, the faces follow you Brady Bunch style. The same thing happens when you click around. It’s kinda fun.

About Us Page that interacts with Mouse Movements

Let’s say you don’t have a history like a soap opera and your programmers don’t have any mojo … Then how about just owning what you are, what you are good at, and what sets you apart? I have to say that, in all my years on the web, this page from AbsoluteDespotism.com is the first “not safe for work” About  Us page I have ever seen. I’m a big fan of knowing that not everyone is your customer and not being afraid to offend the people who aren’t. As the saying goes, this Bud’s for you, Mr. Angry-Non-Politically-Correct-About-Us-Page-Writer …

So what are the takeaways from this post:

  • Look at your “boilerplate” pages and look for ways to make them interesting.
  • Own your past, present, or mission statement in a way that make you more exciting than a piece of cardboard.
  • On most pages, excessive technology distracts people from buying/completing an action; on your About page, Flash, Javascript, or Ajax can make you different.
  • Think of this as an opportunity to be self deprecating. Everyone can relate to you if you aren’t afraid to laugh at yourself.
  • Use it as a link building opportunity. How many other people have exciting About Us pages? The bar is pretty low if you want to try and stand out.

photo credit: Photospin

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This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis Wordpress Theme review.

How to Create an Amazing About Us Page

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