joi, 2 iunie 2011

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

New SEOmoz Pricing Plans + More Keywords for Everyone!

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 06:44 AM PDT

Posted by adamf

More than six months have passed since we last updated our plans and pricing with the launch of our web app last summer. In that time, we have gotten a ton of great feedback, brilliant suggestions, and more specifically, pleas for a better price point between $99 and $499 (with more campaigns). We gave this a lot of thought, crunched some numbers, and today we're launching improved plans and pricing for SEOmoz PRO!

Improved Plans & Pricing

What's New & Notable

1. PRO plan members now get 300 keywords!

That's 50 more than before and they can be tracked across up to 3 search engines.

2. A New PRO Plus tier with more than double the keywords and campaigns!

Many of you have asked for it, and now it is finally here. This new plan includes more than twice as many campaigns as PRO, and a bunch more keywords.

  • 12 Campaigns
  • 1,000 Keywords (across up to 3 search engines)
  • 10,000 page crawl depth per campaign
  • 1 private Q&A question per month
  • Branded PDF reports

3. PRO Elite is now beefier!

  • 30 campaigns (compared to just 10 before)
  • 3,500 keywords across up to 3 search engines (compared to 2,000 before)
  • Note: to support the increase in campaigns, we have limited to crawl depth to 20,000 pages. If you already have and like the old PRO Elite plan, nothing has changed, but you can switch over to the new version at any time.
  • 3 private questions per month
  • Branded PDF reports

4. SSL/HTTPS crawling now supported!

Many of you have been patiently waiting, and I am now happy to announce that we now crawl https pages as part of campaign craws. If you have any SSL pages on your site, you should start to see them processed and analyzed with the your next crawl that begins later than today.

5. Branded PDF Reports new to PRO Plus & PRO Elite!

You may have noticed this mentioned above. We have added a new feature to the PRO Plus and higher plans, which supports the addition of customer logos at the top of all PDF reports.

Upgrading is Easy

If any of these new plans strike your fancy, we have also improved interface for changing your plan, so it's easy to upgrade or downgrade at any time.

Upgrade Account

or... Switch to Annual Billing and save 20%

If you are changing your plan, you might also consider an annual membership. If you buy for a full year, we give you a 20% discount over what you would pay monthly for twelve months.  It's easy to switch to annual pricing on the PRO Billing & Subscription page.

Upgrade Account

If I'm already an Elite or Premier member, will my plan change?

Nope, nothing will change, but you can opt to choose a different plan at any time.

Need more? We've got you covered!

We do have a couple of larger plans:

  • Agency - $2,000/month (Great if you are managing lots of sites!)
    • 120 Campaigns
    • 20,000 keywords per account
    • 10,000 pages crawled per campaign
    • 4 private Q&A questions per month
    • Branded PDF Reports
  • Enterprise - $4,000/month (Great if you are managing really large sites!)
    • 20 Campaigns
    • 30,000 keywords per account
    • 1,000,000 pages crawled per campaign (on a 4-week cycle)
    • 4 private Q&A questions per month
    • Branded PDF Reports
    • This plan is not available yet, but will be in the next few weeks

These plans are not self service at the moment, but if they like something that you need, contact and we will be happy to set you up!

Let us know what you think!

We took a lot of great feedback into account when creating these new pricing plans, but we know we can make them better. Please share your feedback in the comments below, or click on Help at the very top right of the page, and then Feedback if you want to comment privately. I promise, we're listening. 

Free for 30 days
Upgrade Account


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And The Winning City for #MozCation Is...

Posted: 01 Jun 2011 02:42 PM PDT

Posted by jennita

MozCationCome on now, you didn't think I'd spill beans just like that did you? Before I give you the goods, let me refresh your memory in case this is the first time you're hearing about MozCation. A few weeks ago, we asked people to create some sort of unique content and tell us why we should have an SEOmoz Meetup (aka MozCation) in their city.

Overwhelming Response

The nominations started in rather slowly and at first we thought that perhaps MozCation would be a complete failure! Soon a number of nominations started trickling in, however people weren't creating new content. They were simply linking to city government websites and wikipedia pages... which wasn't what we were looking for. There was an email thread going around internally about how we needed to write another post explaining better what we were looking for.

But then, the first "real" nomination came in from Peru. We were delighted and quite surprised, we were unaware we had a following in Peru (little did we know), and the retweets started rolling in. Soon after, Portsmouth, NH was nominated and then Calgary. By this time, we were excited that we were getting some unique submissions and figured we'd have a handful of cities to pick from. What we didn't realize was that the next nomination would be for Spain, and it would change the whole game. Gianluca had bought the domain and built an entire site! Holy game changer. Soon after, people started creating Twitter and Facebook accounts, building websites and rallying their local communities. Check out all the submissions below. :)

Picking A City

Whew. Now, how on earth do we pick one city out of all the great nominations we received? Well, we decided we didn't have to. We're the keeper of the rules, and in true TAGFEE fashion, we decided to pick four cities instead. :) I don't want to ruin all the fun, so I'll just let Rand spill the beans:

(Be sure to watch the entire video!)

The Nominees

Take a look at all 15 nominated cities in no particular order. Everyone worked really hard on these sites, pages, videos, etc. I know they'd love for you to take a peek at all their hard work.

Cleveland, OH

Title: The Decision 2011

Nominated by: @FathomSEO

San Luis Obispo, CA

Title: Roger, Come to the Happiest Place in America

Nominated by: @NugeKnows

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Title: Why SEOmoz Should Come To Brazil

Nominated by: @fabioricotta

Orlando, FL

Title: MozCation Orlando

Nominated by: @MozcationMCO a group at Full Sail University

Lima, Peru

Title: MozCation In Lima

Nominated by: @MozcationLima

Spain (various cities)

Title: Why SEOmoz Must Take Roger To Spain

Nominated by: @gfiorelli1

Calgary, AB Canada

Title: SEOmoz Come To Calgary… Or Else!

Nominated by: @calindaniel

Copenhagen, Denmark

Title: Where's Roger Mozbot

Nominated by: @ahogenhaven

Porstmouth, NH

Title: It's Time for MozCon Portsmouth, NH

Nominated by: @DaveCurrierSEO

Indianapolis, IN

Title: Roger... STOP... Save Indianapolis....STOP!

Nominated by: @flea_spano


Now What?

Yes we chose four cities, but we will still be holding at least one more round of nominations for another MozCation later in the year. So if you missed out this time, or if your city wasn't chosen, keep a watch on the blog! We'll be announcing open nominations again in a couple months. So stay tuned! We'll also keep you up-to-date on dates/times for all the MozCation events coming up.

Thank You

Never did we imagine that we'd get so many nominations. The sheer number of tweets that came in for #MozCation was enough to humble us. Thank you to everyone who worked hard to nominate their city. You've made is so proud to be a part of this amazing community. We look forward to seeing you all!


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