joi, 23 iunie 2011



Facebook Power Editor: Still a Work in Progress?

Posted: 22 Jun 2011 03:00 AM PDT

Last week I was busy upgrading our Facebook advertising account from 'personal' to 'business', which turned out to be quite an arduous task. To be honest, there aren't many differences in terms of features, but you do get access to a Facebook representative and you can also apply for credit, which is certainly a better deal than making daily payments through PayPal.

When I set about moving campaigns from my personal account to the business account, little did I realise how far behind Facebook's Power Editor tool is when compared to the more familiar Adwords Editor. To start with, the Power Editor tool is not a downloadable application and therefore the speed of navigation and editing is quite poor, especially if you are moving large chunks of ad creative across accounts. Also, I found it quite discriminating that the Power Editor tool can only be accessed on the Google Chrome web browser. However, Facebook do promise that they will dole out a version that can be accessed using all the major web browsers very soon.

As advertisers, it is imperative that we familiarise ourselves with the Power Editor tool, as Facebook plan to phase out the Bulk Uploader tool by the end of this month. I must confess that the Facebook Power Editor tool is a massive improvement compared to its clunky predecessor, the Bulk Uploader tool. It's extremely useful if you are creating campaigns from scratch as opposed to moving existing campaigns that are large in size to another account. However, some of the benefits of the Power Editor tool according to Facebook are:

  • Ability to create bulk ads
  • Mass-edit ads
  • Compatibility with Excel
  • Ability to see key stats and performance in order to optimise from within the tool itself
  • Backwards-compatibility with the Bulk Uploader

It's still early days for the Power Editor tool and Facebook employ some of the world's smartest people, so I'm confident that the tool will get better as time progress. For the time being though, I'd really like to hear some of your thoughts on the Power Editor tool if you have had any prior experience of using it.


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