sâmbătă, 18 iunie 2011

Weekly Address: Celebrating Fathers

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Weekly Address: Celebrating Fathers

On Father's Day weekend, President Obama reflects on his experience as a parent and discusses the challenges and necessity of being a good father.

Watch the video.

Weekly Wrap Up

Cutting Government Waste: This week the President announced a new effort to eliminate government waste and help improve government accountability. 

West Wing Week: The President meets with his Jobs Council in North Carolina, tours a high-tech manufacturing facility, travels to Puerto Rico and much much more.

Happy Early Father's Day: Take a look at the revamped Fatherhood.gov, as well as the President's message of Strong Fathers, Strong Families.

There's an app for that: The EPA challenges developers to manipulate public data into a useable form - winners will be publicized on the EPA website. More info here.

Puerto Rico Trip: The President traveled to Puerto Rico, check out the video and pictures of this historic visit.

How to Make Change: This new summer series, announced by the President, delivers tangible ways that youth can be engaged on issues that matter to them. Contact the Young American Outreach Team.

Toomanywebsites.gov: With almost 2,000 separate websites across the Federal Government, Americans often don't know where to turn for information. One of the first steps of the Campaign to Cut Waste which will target duplication and waste among federal websites.

#YoungAfrica: The First Lady travels to Africa countries in her continued effort to engage youth, particularly young women, at home and abroad. Start following the trip using the hash tag #YoungAfrica!

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