vineri, 10 iunie 2011

West Wing Week: "Way to Get Our Money Back"

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Friday, June 10, 2011

West Wing Week: "Way to Get Our Money Back" 

This week, President Obama traveled to a Chrysler plant in Toledo, Ohio, to congratulate workers on the turnaround they helped bring about at Chrysler and the impact that saving the company had on the community. The President also announced new initiatives that will improve our manufacturing workforce, and welcomed German Chancellor Angela Merkel to the White House for an Official Visit. 

Watch the video 


In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

Chicago Talks Immigration Reform
The U.S. Department of Education takes steps to better serve the needs of students with disabilities by encouraging schools to improve their learning models and include emerging technologies in their daily lessons. 

Meeting with Latino Leaders Across the U.S.
The Department of Energy launches a competition between local governments to streamline administrative processes for the installation of solar energy systems in homes and businesses.

Video: First Lady Introduces Let's Move! Child Care
The White House wraps up "100 Youth Roundtables” initiative and highlights some of the conversations and solutions that young people have undertaken around the country. 

Today's Schedule 

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

4:00 PM: The First Family departs the White House en route to Camp David

6:30 PM: The Vice President and Dr. Jill Biden celebrate the 2011 Susan G. Komen Global Race for the Cure® by hosting a reception for breast cancer survivors and supporters 

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