vineri, 29 iulie 2011

54.5 mpg by 2025: President Obama Announces New Fuel Economy Standards

The White House Friday, July 29, 2011

Today, President Obama announced the next phase in the Administration’s program to increase fuel efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas pollution for all new cars and trucks sold in the United States.

These new fuel economy standards will cover cars and light trucks for Model Years 2017-2025, requiring performance equivalent to 54.5 mpg in 2025 while reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 163 grams per mile.

Spanning Model Years 2011 to 2025, these standards will not only save consumers an estimated $1.7 trillion dollars in real fuel costs, over $8,000 per vehicle, but will reduce our dependence on oil and take huge steps to protect the environment, reducing carbon dioxide pollution by over 6 billion metric tons – equivalent to the emissions from the United Sates all of last year.

To learn more about how new fuel economy standards will save consumers money, reduce our dependence on oil and protect our environment read the blog post, view the graphic or download the full report (PDF). 

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