luni, 11 iulie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Monkey Shoots Ak-47 At Crowd in Africa

Posted: 11 Jul 2011 03:10 PM PDT

These idiots gave a pet chimp, a AK-47...The chimp learned how to use it, very quick!You know what they say: "You don't have to be a West-African soldier to know that giving a chimpanzee a loaded AK-47 is NEVER a good idea". Good thing we happen to have video of a West-African soldier giving a chimpanzee a loaded AK-47 so no one has to feel stupid. The moral of this footage is...Monkey see! monkey do!! lol!

San Fermin Festival 2011

Posted: 11 Jul 2011 02:21 PM PDT

Every year, the Festival of San Fermin attracts thousands of visitors to Pamplona, Spain. During 14 days of festivities, runners dicing with death are the main draw as thousands pack the streets to watch the four-minute running of the bulls every morning. Held since 1591, San Fermin remains a popular, but at the same time dangerous and controversial event. Several people have been gored already this year, and the festival continues until July 14th. Here we have a great collection of some scenes from the first few days of this 2011's Festival of San Fermin.

Previous year events:
Spanish Bull Run Fiesta 2007
Spanish Bull Run Fiesta 2008
San Fermin Festival 2009
San Fermin Festival 2010

Retro Car Accidents

Posted: 11 Jul 2011 02:11 PM PDT

Ever since the car was invented, of course, so did the car accidents see the light of the day. In the last century, during the years 1917-1940, there were very few cars, but still they managed to get into accidents. Let's see how our ancestors wrecked their machines.

World's Smallest Space Invaders Arcade Game

Posted: 11 Jul 2011 11:50 AM PDT

For those of you who grew up in the 1980s and frequented arcades that had all these large machines, asking you to feed them quarter after quarter while you master the nuances of the game itself, this is one DIY project that quite unlike the electric chair, is able to send chills down your spine. After all, we are talking about what could possibly be the smallest Space Invaders arcade cabinet in the world – and a fully functioning one at that.

Measuring a mere 7″ x 3.5″ x 4.5″, this arcade cabinet comes complete with super small buttons and a tiny arcade stick – definitely not something you would want to vent your frustrations on when you lose. At the heart of this cabinet lies parts from a Game Boy Advanced SP, so Space Invaders isn't the only game since it can handle just about any GBA SP cartridge. Check out a video of it in action after the jump.

Source: ubergizmo

Amber Amputee

Posted: 11 Jul 2011 11:26 AM PDT

Amber lost her leg in 2004 due to osteosarcoma, a bone tumor. She has done two courses of chemotherapy and has managed to still have a positive outlook and actually use her "disability" to her advantage. Amber enjoys life, goes to parties and leads an active lifestyle. Look at her and stop complaining about your lives.

Source: myspaceprofiles

Zynga Path To IPO

Posted: 11 Jul 2011 11:12 AM PDT

This infographic is all about Zynga. Founded in 2007, the company responsible for viral sensations such as FarmVille and Mafia Wars, is already profitable and its active users are growing by the day. So this infographic features some interesting facts and statistics about the company and it rises and path to IPO. Lets have a look.

Click to Enlarge.

Source: namesake

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