miercuri, 20 iulie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

How to Cool Down a Car Under Direct Sun with a Japanese Door Trick

Posted: 20 Jul 2011 03:57 PM PDT

It's summer, and if you live anywhere the sun shines, science dictates that it gets stupid hot inside your car when it's closed up and baking in the sun. According to this Japanese video, rolling down one window and opening and closing the opposite door a handful of times will quickly and effectively cool down a hot car.

The video's only two and a half minutes, but unless you understand Japanese (or can read the Chinese subtitles), jump straight to the 1:52 mark to get the picture. Reddit user binarysolo offers this loose translation:

Roll down a window on a side of the car. Let's go with the driver's side window. Go to the opposite side door (in this case, passenger side) and open/close it ~5 times. Just do this normally.

Source: lifehacker

Fascist Weddings In China

Posted: 20 Jul 2011 03:33 PM PDT

Taking into account that for Chinese just-married couples it's almost a cult aim to take memorable wedding photos, maybe it is not that surprising to see such oddities of Asian creativity. If they were wearing a Japanese uniform of the WWII time, this would be much more brave.

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Funny Poses Above the Pool

Posted: 20 Jul 2011 02:59 PM PDT

What is the best place for planking on a a hot summer day? Well, of course where the cold water is - The Pool! These are funny photos of people striking comedy mid-air poses before they crash into the pool.

Toothpicking Is New Planking

Posted: 20 Jul 2011 12:26 PM PDT

The phenomenon of planking involves the practice of imitating a wooden plank in various places, both public and private. This has lead to owling which encourages squatting on top of various objects whilst staring owl-like into the distance. The newest craze, spawn from its predecessors is toothpicking, which involves standing on your head. The most important aspect to remember is the more bizarre the place the better the planking, owling or toothpicking.

Funny Faces Of People Playing Video Games

Posted: 20 Jul 2011 12:18 PM PDT

When you're deeply immersed in a video game, the last thing on your mind is what your gameface might look like. But for photographer Phillip Toledano, capturing those funny faces is the best part. Back in 2002, he shot a smile-inducing portrait series of people playing video games. See some of them below:

Crazy Penalty Kick

Posted: 19 Jul 2011 09:15 PM PDT

Last Sunday, the UAE defeated Lebanon 6-2. Awana Diab scored a goal with a creative penalty kick that was struck with his heel:

Diab's setup seemed like any other for a penalty, but as he ran up to the ball, he stopped, turned around and backheeled the it toward the goal. Stunned by the audacity, madness and nerve it takes to try and score a penalty with your back to the goal, the keeper just stood and watched as the ball trickled into the net.

The UAE's coach immediately yanked Diab from the game, asserting that he had acted disrespectfully to the opposing team.

US Military Tattoos

Posted: 19 Jul 2011 06:56 PM PDT

According to studies and polls, armed forces tattoos are the greatest in the Navy, with the Army second, the Marines third, and then the Air Force. The style of tattoo designs seems to differ depending on the specific branch of armed forces.

Tattoos in the US armed forces have a long and colorful tradition. The millions of Americans who have served either as active service personnel or reservists means a countless number of inked war veterans. Many of them have gotten tattoos as a constant reminder that they once belonged to a particular unit or platoon, to acknowledge their loyalty not only to their unit but also to their country, to show feelings of camaraderie they felt, or even to mark the loss of someone close to them.

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