marți, 12 iulie 2011



25 Must Follow Users Who Get You the Latest SEO Nuggets

Posted: 11 Jul 2011 05:47 AM PDT

* is the killer app nobody really talks about. It deserves the hype of Friendfeed or Quora, but barely anybody notices the huge impact it may have in future and it’s only rarely that someone explains how useful it already is. A few articles urge you to use it, but is indeed the solution for half a dozen Web-related problems almost everybody faces.

First and foremost, it get rids of all the fluff and chatter and lets you follow your favourite friends and influencers holistically on the Web. simply collects all the links a person shares throughout the Web.  This might sound a bit like the aforementioned Friendfeed, but it lacks the annoying and time-wasting features of the former.

I’ve been using ever since it seemed that Delicious would be killed off completely by Yahoo. Thus I frantically tried several Delicious alternatives. was the best of them. Meanwhile, I’m using Delicious again but I also use for other reasons than just social bookmarking.

Delicious is great for organising your own bookmarks. It never was a good place to share or even overview your friends’ bookmarks.

It has some features for that but they are too hidden and too many clicks away. Also, most of the link sharing these days happens on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and the like.

On it’s far easier to follow how popular a particular post is. I can see who the people are who share the link, no matter where they share it. I can follow the shared links from people I respect on the Web as a whole. So who are the people you want to get the links served from when it comes to SEO, search marketing and social media optimisation?


Here are 25 must follow users who get you the latest SEO nuggets:


  1. Lee Odden of TopRank Online Marketing
  2. Justin Briggs aka seozoombie, independent SEO consultant
  3. Bharati AhujaWebPro Technologies
  4. Andrew Doyle of Crafted Media
  5. Todd Mintz, an SEO blogger who contributes everywhere
  6. Alex Moss of Pleer SEO
  7. Matthew Edward of Springboard SEO
  8. Richard Baxter of SEO Gadget
  9. Aaron Chronister aka TheMadHat
  10. Tad Miller from Search Mojo
  11. Wayne Barker of Hallam
  12. Gabriella Sannino alias SEOcopy from Level343
  13. Dawid Iwanow of The Lost Agency
  14. Aleyda Solis, spanish SEO
  15. James Zolman alias jameszol of
  16. Gianluca Fiorelli of Italiaseo
  17. Dobata
  18. Tom Demers of Measured SEM
  19. Samir Balwani
  20. Marc Levy of Matan Media
  21. Christoph Cemper of
  22. Andrew Shotland of Local SEO Guide
  23. Eric Enge aka stoneteple from Stone Temple Consulting
  24. Debra Mastaler of Alliance Link
  25. Courtney Seiter from Raven

As you see, these people are not just the usual suspects or the SEO industry giants.

These are the curators who provide the links you want to know about and can with the help of

You just get the links – nothing less but also nothing more, so there is no typical social media time-wasting going on here.

Just go to your timeline aka “Friends’ links” and see what people share almost in real time. The number of people who share a link are displayed as well, so you see whether it matters to more than one person. For example, just now I see that  “5″ people have shared a post by Claire Carlile on targeting the right keyword phrases I appreciate.

Of course there may be even more great users from the SEO industry you want to recommend. Please do it in the comment section!

If you don’t have the time to follow all the people above, you can try checking out the SEO experts group instead. This is OK but contains mostly links for SEOMoz and Search Engine Land. For hidden gems you have to follow my route.

* Image by Larissa Sayer

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