sâmbătă, 16 iulie 2011

Weekly Address: Securing Our Fiscal Future

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Weekly Address: Securing Our Fiscal Future

President Obama emphasizes the importance of compromise and shared sacrifice so that we can overcome our fiscal challenges and get our economy on a stronger footing going forward.

Watch the video


Weekly Wrap Up

A quick look at what happened this week on WhiteHouse.gov:

Compromise isn’t a dirty word: To a group of young Americans of different political persuasions, President Obama spoke candidly the importance of compromise in our democracy.

President Obama on deficit negotiations: On Monday and Friday, President Obama held news conferences on the status of efforts to find a balanced approach to deficit reduction.

Medal of Honor: Sergeant First Class Leroy Petry was only the second living person to receive the highest military decoration awarded by the United States Government, watch the ceremony.

At One Year: An update on the first comprehensive National HIV/AIDS Strategy.

West Wing Week: Check out behind-the-scenes footage from the Medal of Honor ceremony in "Our Heroes Are All Around Us".

Open for Questions: This week, the White House hosted two live chats: one on efforts to improve federal websites, and the other on disability policy.

SAVE Award: The 3rd annual SAVE Award launched on Thursday -- a contest for federal employees to submit ideas on how to cut waste, save tax payer dollars, and make government more effective and efficient.

Sparking Growth: The Housing and Urban Development Agency (HUD) launched a pilot program partnering federal staffers partner with local decision makers in six cities.

Remembering Betty Ford: First Lady Michelle Obama celebrated the life of former First Lady Betty Ford at an historic gathering at St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church in Palm Desert, California.

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