joi, 18 august 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

25 Greatest Unscripted Scenes in Films

Posted: 18 Aug 2011 07:50 PM PDT

Check out 25 Great Scenes in Film that actually were not scripted, but rather, improvised. Please keep the captions on, as the creator of the video explains the improvisation. Pretty cool stuff.

Crazy Celebrity Hairstyles

Posted: 18 Aug 2011 07:50 PM PDT

These horrible hairstyles left us scratching our heads. Why on earth would any A-list celebrity take such a crazy risk by sporting one of these over-the-top styles?

Check out this gallery of celebrities with some of the wildest hairstyles in Hollywood.

Britney Spears

Natalie Portman

Jake Gyllenhaal

Renee Zellweger

Emma Watson

Charlie Sheen



Matt Damon

Solange Knowles

Demi Moore

Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Michelle Williams


Selena Gomez

David Beckham

Rumer Willis

Alicia Keys

Selma Blair

Willow Smith

Keira Knightley

Hot Bikini-Clad Girls Set Shower Record

Posted: 18 Aug 2011 06:02 PM PDT

A group of bikini-wearing girls have lathered up on Bournemouth beach in a bid to help set the world record for the most people to shower together. The record was set by 152 people who braved the chilly weather to lather up and get soapy with complete strangers under a giant 18-foot shower structure.

The event was organized by Lynx to promote their new shower gel and beat the previous record set in Illinois two years ago when 145 people showered together. The marketing geniuses at Lynx were smart enough to implant a lot of sexy models into the publicity stunt so that the photos and video were very pleasing to the eye. I would not have written this story had 152 hairy, fat guys in Speedos just show up.

Anna Orford, of Guinness World Records, said: "Lynx have constructed a fantastic showering tool, and the people of Bournemouth have to be applauded for getting into the spirit of the day and taking a shower together.

"Their reward is a new Guinness World Record for the most people showering simultaneously at the same venue. Congratulations to everyone involved!"

Source: dailymail

Modern Life Of Papuans

Posted: 18 Aug 2011 04:26 PM PDT

Papuan is a cover term for the various indigenous peoples of New Guinea and neighboring islands, speakers of so-called Papuan languages. Papua New Guinea occupies the eastern part of the world's second largest island and is prey to volcanic activity, earthquakes and tidal waves. Linguistically, it is the world's most diverse country, with more than 700 native tongues.

Some 80% of Papua New Guinea's people live in rural areas with few or no facilities of modern life. Many tribes in the isolated mountainous interior have little contact with one another, let alone with the outside world, and live within a non-monetarised economy dependent on subsistence agriculture. For more.

29-Year-Old Becomes Britain's Youngest Grandfather

Posted: 18 Aug 2011 02:40 PM PDT

A dad has become Britain's youngest grand-father at the age of 29 after his daughter gave birth at 14. Shem Davies was also 14 when he became a father for the first time. Now, schoolgirl daughter Tia has had a baby girl a week before her 15th birthday.

Jobless Shem who split with Tia's mum Kelly three months after Tia was born - said he was "absolutely delighted" at the new arrival. Tiny Ava Grace is in an incubator after she was born ten weeks early. But the family said she is "doing remarkably well" at the special care baby unit where she is being cared for in South Wales.

Shem spoke of his shock when Tia told him she was pregnant by her 15-year-old boyfriend Jordan Williams. The grandad who has a nine-month-old son with new girlfriend Robyn Thomas said, "One minute Tia's a baby, the next she's pregnant. I could have yelled at her, but what's the point?" He added, "I wasn't able to cope with it and I ran away." Shem and Kelly have both been supporting Tia as she watches over Ava Grace the sixth generation of the family alive.

Both parents are still in school and plan on finishing, with Tia seeing herself as a hairdresser in the future. Amazingly, Tia and Jordan have been dating for 18 months, meaning they were around 13 when they started going out. These young parents are part of the more than 35,000 kids under 18 who get pregnant in the UK each year. However, at least half of those kids get an abortion.

11 Things The Richest American Could Buy For The U.S

Posted: 18 Aug 2011 02:18 PM PDT

The 400 richest US households' combined wealth of $1.37 trillion dollars is pretty difficult to visualize. Thankfully, put together an infographic to describe just how much that money could do to help the general public.

Click to enlarge.

Source: faireconomy

Amazing Dragon Illusion

Posted: 17 Aug 2011 07:58 PM PDT

This is a terrific optical illusion! As you move around the dragon, it will appear to follow you, turn its head and nod up and down... but it's not really moving at all!

Mont Saint-Michel Castle, France

Posted: 17 Aug 2011 07:18 PM PDT

Mont Saint-Michel is a rocky tidal island in Normandy, France. It is located approximately one kilometer off the country's north coast, at the mouth of the Couesnon River near Avranches.

All the structures on the island, including the castle, are crowned by the abbey church that stands 240 feet above sea level. The rock upon which the castle and all the structures of Mont Saint Michel are built measures a height of 84 meters. It is made of pure granite and is tough enough to withstand the rigors of time. The Italian architect William de Volpiano was commissioned as the building contractor in the 11th century.

During the sixth up to the seventh centuries Mont Saint Michel served as a stronghold. However, this role of being the safe keeper of Romano-Breton culture ended when Franks ransacked it in 460 AD. The next major event that is reported about the place is the miraculous appearance of St. Michael, which is for the most part according to legend. This event occurred in 708 AD with St. Aubert as the witness of the event.

The English made repeated attempts to invade Mont Saint Michel. However, every attempt they made ended up in failure. All the said attacks occurred during the so famed Hundred Years' War. It was during this time in 1420 when fortifications were reinforced. However, in the many sieges, the Romansque choir collapsed.

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