vineri, 19 august 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Horsemaning From Around The World

Posted: 19 Aug 2011 02:51 PM PDT

Originated in America, horsemaning, more and more people around the world now adopt the new entertainment activity as a Horsemaning which is the same sh*t as planking, owling etc but it looks more fun. Here are the most weird and shocking pics of horsemaning from all around the world.

Related Post:
Horsemaning is the New Planking

In Paris

In Belgium

In Budapest

In Holland

In Melbourne, Australia

In Turkey

In Thailand

Still In Thailand

At The Nike Store

In Fischamend, Austria

On Google+

At Cold Stone Cremery

At The Exotic Huffington Post Offices (NYC)

At The MTV Offices (Times Square, NYC)

At A Deli (Location Unknown)

On The Beach (South Of France)

On The Radio

In The Style Of The 18th Century

At NBC Studios (NYC)

At BuzzFeed HQ (Soho, NYC)

On The Planet Kamino?

In A Basement, While Playing Call Of Duty: Black Ops (Location Unknown)

In A Pool (Location Unknown)

In An Office…With A Giant Knife

Rural Nebraska?

American People Vs. Japanese People

Posted: 19 Aug 2011 02:46 PM PDT

Fun comic introducing some curious differences between the Japanese and the Americans. I'm sure it was created by someone from Japan.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Source: 9gag

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