joi, 22 septembrie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Military Humor - Part 4

Posted: 22 Sep 2011 10:52 AM PDT

Who new that the military men had some sense of humor. Well they do and it is not bad. They might be in the military, but soldiers are just humans after all and humans.

Here is another collection of very funny pictures of what happens when our troops get bored..

Previous Parts:
Military Humor - Part 1
Military Humor - Part 2
Military Humor - Part 3

The 8 Types of Girls From Your High School

Posted: 22 Sep 2011 10:46 AM PDT

There are several types of high school girls. Check out our list of stereotypical high school girls below. Do you recognize them?

Source: coedmagazine

Igloo Hotel in Finland

Posted: 21 Sep 2011 10:27 PM PDT

The Hotel Kakslauttanen in Finland is in fact an Igloo Village, at which you can have your pick of 20 unique glass and snow igloos for your stay. They aren't ice houses, but 31 well-maintained log cabins – built from a very special thermo glass that keeps them warmth and comfortable. Because of that, the temperature inside the Igloos is always a normal room temperature and the igloos inhabitants won't feel any of the polar cold. For more info.

Changing Faces With a Smile - Operation Smile

Posted: 21 Sep 2011 09:24 PM PDT

An amazing little girl who had her cleft lip surgery. People ask me why I volunteer overseas so much.. It takes my eyes off me and allows me to remember what life is all about. When we use what we have been given (whatever that might be) to make a positive change for our world, thats when life make sense… In a time when the world seems to be imploding with greed, there are certain things that will always remain invaluable… like the smile on this girls face when she realises her life will be changed forever. Her lip is still swollen and painful as she is only 24 hours post surgery but the joy in her eyes is unmistakable and makes my heart laugh without measure. I hope it brings the same to you. For more.

Superhero Fetuses

Posted: 21 Sep 2011 08:26 PM PDT

French artist Alexandre Nicolas is currently showing some of his superhero fetuses at the Hey! Modern Art and Pop Culture show at Halle Saint-Pierre museum in Paris, France. Encased in blocks of synthetic crystal, these unborn babies look like they're waiting for their big debut!

You'll find Batman, Superman, Wonderwoman, the Silver Surfer, the Hulk, Catwoman, and Spider-Man. There's also a Hitler fetus, although that one is a bit more disturbing – and he was anything but a superhero.

Source: phonogalerie

The Past and Future of Famous Logos

Posted: 21 Sep 2011 08:14 PM PDT

We've brought you the stories of how some famous logos have *evolved, but what about the future? At Stock Logos, we see how some logos become simpler over time, and that trend is projected into the future. Of course, some of these companies are projected to encounter, um, "circumstances."

Amazing Body Transformations - Part 2

Posted: 21 Sep 2011 07:50 PM PDT

Never give up if you want to lose extra weight. It is possible only if you really desire to bring changes to your life. All these people have proved that stunning body transformations can become the reality once you make efforts to stay fit and healthy. Get inspired by this collection of people who completely changed the way they look.

Previous Part:
Amazing Body Transformations - Part 1

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