miercuri, 28 septembrie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Dubstep Dance to "Pumped Up Kicks" is Awesome

Posted: 27 Sep 2011 11:22 PM PDT

Marquese Scott moves in a way that looks inhuman. How does he do it? If you're too busy to watch the whole video, skip ahead to the 4 minute mark.

The World's Largest Lightsaber Fight

Posted: 27 Sep 2011 11:10 PM PDT

Star Wars fans from all over the East Coast crossed lightsabers at New York City's Washington Square Park for what might be the world's largest lightsaber battle.

Newmindspace invited Jedi and Sith from all over to meet up at the NYC park, asking only that each participant choose either Jedi or Sith, and arranged a massive fight. They provided sabers to anyone who showed up unequipped.

The group expected 500 fans to show up, but that number quickly doubled by the time of the showdown. The Sith took one side, the Jedi another, and then they charged. The end result looks like nothing so much as a mid-1990s rave, complete with a slew of glowsticks. Check out a few of the images and video.

Source: io9

Dante's Inferno Sand Sculpture

Posted: 27 Sep 2011 10:54 PM PDT

In November 2008, New York artist Ray Villafane traveled to Jesolo, Italy to take part in their yearly sand sculpting project. Though Ray had never sculpted in sand, he took the opportunity that was offered to create his first sand sculptures. He did so exceptional, that he was invited back the following summer where he participated in bringing "Dante's Inferno" to the beach and was given the most pivotal sculpture of the show.

Source: pondly

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