marți, 13 septembrie 2011

You asked for it: Your copy of the American Jobs Act

The White House Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Yesterday, President Obama was joined by teachers, veterans, small business owners, construction workers and first responders as he sent the American Jobs Act to Congress and urged them to pass it right away.

This is a bill that will put people back to work all across the country. This is the bill that will help our economy in a moment of national crisis. This is a bill that is based on ideas from both Democrats and Republicans. And this is the bill that Congress needs to pass. No games. No politics. No delays. I’m sending this bill to Congress today, and they ought to pass it immediately.

Interested in reading the full American Jobs Act? You can find it on

Have questions?

Over the next few days there are a number of ways for you to ask questions and engage with Administration officials about the American Jobs Act including Open for Questions live panels and Twitter Office Hours.

Here are the details:

Open for Questions
On Wednesday and Thursday this week, White House officials will answer your questions, submitted through, Facebook, and Twitter about the American Jobs Act live on

Submit your questions:

Tune in and watch on

  • Wednesday, September 14th at 4:00 p.m. EDT: Answering your questions on how the American Jobs Act will impact young Americans are Brian Deese, Deputy Director, National Economic Council and Roberto Rodriguez, Special Assistant to the President for Education Policy.
  • Thursday, September 15th at 2 p.m. EDT: Join Jason Furman, Principal Director of the National Economic Council and Jon Carson, Director of the Office of Public Engagement.

White House Office Hours on Twitter
This week, we’re bringing back White House Office Hours, where White House officials answer your questions about the American jobs Act on Twitter.

Here's how it works and how you can participate:

  • Use the hashtag #WHChat on Twitter to ask your questions on President Obama’s speech and the American Jobs Act
  • Senior staff will respond to your questions during scheduled "Office Hours" in real-time via Twitter from the @WHLive account
  • Follow the whole Q&A session @WHLive, or just check out the highlights @WhiteHouse

Here's the schedule for this week:

  • TODAY: Tuesday, September 13th at 5:30 p.m. EDT: Office Hours with David Plouffe, Assistant to the President and Senior Advisor
  • Wednesday, September 14th at 4:30 p.m. EDT: Office Hours with Stephanie Cutter, Assistant to the President and Deputy Senior Advisor
  • Thursday, September 15th at 4:00 p.m. EDT: Office Hours with Jason Furman, Principal Deputy Director of the National Economic Council

Follow @WhiteHouse and @WHLive for the latest updates.

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