vineri, 14 octombrie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Aimee Mullins: The Opportunity of Adversity

Posted: 14 Oct 2011 03:02 PM PDT

Aimee Mullins was born in 1975 in Allentown, Pennsylvania. At the age of 1 she was diagnosed with fibular hemimelia, meaning that she was born without the fibula bone as a result, had both of her legs amputated below the knee. But the girl never gave up. Aimee Mullins became one of the college's best runners and ran against able bodied runners. She also participated in the 1996 Paralympics in Atlanta. The girl acted in a couple of movies, done modeling and even worked at the Pentagon. She has 12 prosthetic legs for any occasion.

The Evolution of the Rifle [Infographic]

Posted: 14 Oct 2011 02:17 PM PDT

Evolution of rifle dates back to 16th century's Musket with firing capacity of 3 rounds per minute to today's FN Scar with capacity of 625 rounds per minute. For more such interesting statistics and to know what guns were in between this evolution, check out this graphic!

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Source: cannonsafe

Kitten vs Hair Dryer

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 07:47 PM PDT

Oskar the kitten may have been born without fully-formed eyes, but he doesn't let his blindness get in the way. According to owner, "he can do pretty much everything that a normal cat can do.

Just look at him take on the breeze from this hairdryer like a pro. He might not know exactly what it is he's battling, but do our pets ever really know what's going on in this hilarious videos.

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