vineri, 7 octombrie 2011



Poll: What Are the Most Important Factors That Make a Blog Post go Viral?

Posted: 06 Oct 2011 06:01 AM PDT

Over the past few weeks I’ve been surprised to see some really great posts struggle to gain any momentum, as well as seeing some really crap posts do surprisingly well in terms of being shared by a large audience. My suspicion is that in both cases it had a lot to do with the design of the sites that the blog posts were hosted on (here’s a very good post on how design impacts shareability). I thought it would be interesting to put this question to the community to see what people thought were the most important factors in assisting a blog post to go viral and to see how important design really is. I’d love to hear as many people’s opinions as possible on the topic, especially around design impacting shareability. What do you think?

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