marți, 8 noiembrie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Tree Tunnel, Ukraine

Posted: 08 Nov 2011 01:45 PM PST

This beautiful train tree tunnel is located in Kleven, Ukraine. It's called the Tunnel of Love.

Photo by Oleg Gordienko, original caption by the photographer is Green Mile.

Buying a Car Via Classifieds [infographic]

Posted: 08 Nov 2011 01:04 PM PST

These days there are many ways that you can buy your next vehicle, but have you ever thought about buying one through a classifieds ad? Buying a car through classifieds is a bit different than going to a car dealership, so there are different steps that you should take when considering this route. We have put together some tips for you to keep in mind when buying a car through classifieds.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Source: ebayclassifieds

French Bulldog And NYPD Horse Become Friends

Posted: 07 Nov 2011 09:11 PM PST

Enjoy this adorable video of a French bulldog in a sweater becoming fast friends with a police horse on Wall Street? As the videographer notes the scene makes "a nice contrast to the perception everyone has of the NYPD in the area due to the Occupy Wall Street camp nearby." If there is one thing that can bring people together, it is the power of the cute.

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